

Games Freezer - Breaking News - Next Gen Free To Play

We are not great fans of the Free To Play in game micro transactions model,  but it seems that #Microsoft and #Sony are. 

Not sure what this means for Next Gen Consoles.  Hopefully we don't see a glut of greedy publishers who fill their games full of the necessity to purchase a zillion in game items in order to truly progress in their games. As we have seen this many many times on the Mobile Platform.

We prefer the idea that the best mobile games follow,  which is to price the game at a reasonable price and then video games players will purchase the game if it is good enough. We have purchased many games from the #GooglePlay Store that have been great and were only 69p!

Are you a fan of the Free To Play Model?

Do you want to see it become an integral part of the Next-Generation of Consoles? 

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