

☆ If Only I Had The Room ...... ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

I often think, if only we had the room........

If only we had the room to buy all the consoles and computers we have owned over the years and maybe some of the ones we didn't own!

So that got me thinking, would I be able to remember the machines I had bought?

If only I had the room and the plug sockets to buy them all again!
  • Atari 800 XL/XE - Of course I would buy my 1st Computer Games System, the mighty Atari 800 XL/XE.
  • Sega Master System - Not the slimline Master System 2, but the 4 house bricks old school version with a built in Snail Game! 
  • Sega Megadrive - Didn't have this for long as I purchased it at the end of its life, played a lot of Robocod on it though 
  • Super Nintendo - This console blew my mind! The "Mode 7" graphics in Super Mario World got me hooked on anything Super Nintendo, blew lots of money on games (£64 for a copy of Street Fighter II and hundreds of pounds of Super Play Magazine and Nintendo Magazine System) 
  • Amiga 600 - This version of the Amiga came with a whopping 1MEG of memory! It was the slim line version of its beast of a brother the Amiga 500, this was the machine of choice when playing Championship Manager 94/95, great days. 
  • Playstation - The original Playstation was a phenomenon of a machine that had the world hooked and I was one of the people who couldn't believe their eyes when playing Grand Theft Auto. 
  • Playstation 2 - Being a Playstation fanboy by now meant that the PS2 was a must buy, especially with GTA III on the machine, it didn't disappoint one little bit and meant that I was able to play PES 4, still to this day the finest football game ever made. 
  • Nintendo Wii - I still own this currently and it was the machine that got me back into gaming after a long time away from the gaming scene. It appealed to me as it made gaming fun again, not in a hand flapping way but in playing games such as Resident Evil 4 and Super Mario Galaxy , coupled with a Mario Kart game that was almost as good as the original (but not quite) 
  • XBOX360 - Owning the Wii got me the thirst for hardcore gaming again, I saw an advert for Gears Of War 2 in the cinema and my mind was made up, I was going to buy an XBOX 360! For the first time (ever) I was going to own TWO games machines......this has meant that the Wii has gathered a hefty amount of dust over the last few years , but both the Wii & X360 have a fond place in my heart, two consoles that made me love gaming again. 
  • Playstation 3 - Last Christmas my wife bought me a PS3. The jury is still out on this machine as the 360 does things slightly better in a lot of areas such as online gaming but it means that now I can play all the games I ever want to play , except that ironically nowadays I don't have the time to anymore!

Have you got a games system / computer timeline that you'd like to share with The Games Freezer?

What was your first computer or console that you owned?

Which ones would you Love To Own Again?

Games Freezer, Retrogaming, Retro Gamer
Retrogaming, Video Games, Retro Gamer, Retro Gaming

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