

Games Freezer - Game Pix @gamepix


We were intrigued by Game Pix after discovering the website on our usual trawl of The Video Games world on Twitter.

GamePix was created to enhance the concept of online gaming experience. You get to "Create your avatar" "Play Games" "Conquer the world" and hopefully "Become The KING!"

We liked the idea of this, so gave it a try!

So.....How does it work?

First steps are to create an avatar. Naturally we opted for a pretty female gamer chick type Avatar called GamesFreezer. 

We got to style her body (curves), hair (brunette), brows (cute), eyes (green), Nose (button), mouth (happy), ears (small) and clothes (ravishing!).

Once this was complete and we'd stopped ogling her we then got an explanation of how the game works.

Basically, Game Pix is all about conquering the real world map Pixel By Pixel. 

If you find a free Pixel you can conquer it immediately for the price of 20EP (we conquered Essex without a hint of a fight!). 

If you find a particular location / Pixel that you really want to conquer is already taken, then you can fight it out with the owner of that Pixel in a FIGHT TO THE DEATH! 

You Avatar's abilities will be matched up against whoever you challenge and then both combatents will go head to head in a fight for the Pixel in question. The winner will then own that Pixel.

In order to boost your Avatar's stats you get the opportunity to play free games in the "Gym". 

These games will go towards boosting your skills and getting you to a level whereby you can confidently challenge others for their pixel.

There are over 10000 Free Games to choose from so you are truly spoilt for choice! The Games you play, the stronger you become.

The ultimate aim is to challenge others, conquer the world and become king of your country!

We have just started out with our buxom heroine and will update you on progress as we begin to take over our territory.

First Impressions of this novel concept are good. We like the user interface and the styling of the hub etc.

We got then opportunity to play Coaster Racer 3 with its oasis style guitar music and we really enjoyed it. Its a simple racer but really enjoyable as you tear it up round corners overtaking and earning achievements and points for your avatar!

Overall we will most definitely be returning to Game Pix in order to take over the world PIXEL BY PIXEL!

Check it out and sign up at Game Pix and look for GamesFreezer!

Also follow Game Pix on Twitter  @GamePix

What's your favourite of the 10,000 games on offer in Game Pix?

Do you like the concept of Game Pix?

Richard from the GamePix Hot Seat


Games Freezer - @NERGOfficial - NERG 29th & 30th June 2013 - Gateshead Stadium


If you love your Retro Gaming and want to visit something special this June that will satisfy your appetite for a Retro fix, then you need to get yourself to the "North East Retro Gaming" event on the 29th and 30th June at Gateshead Stadium - It's Never GAME OVER!

Its a Retro Gamers dream come true!

Take a look below to see what Retro Gaming delights will be taking place:

  • Over 150 machines to play, all set to free play! Video, pinball and home computers.
  • In partnership with there will be a Cosplay competition with a winning prize of £100
  • With a collection of nearly 40 arcade machines, the Retro Games Party will have almost their entire collection at NERG.
  • Exclusive - The MATRIX Pinball will be at NERG which is a UK first and will be available to play for FREE!
  • UKVAC is one of THE biggest Arcade collectors websites run by collectors of arcade machines. UKVAC's Games collection from the 70′s 80′s 90′s and onwards will be at NERG for everyone to play for FREE


Take a look at the NERG website below and get your tickets today!

Send us your pictures of your visit to NERG and Let Us Know How Much You Enjoyed it, as we will be running a feature on it soon!


Games Freezer - Film Of The Day - "The Space Invaders" In Search Of Lost Time

If you LOVE Arcade Games you will LOVE this film!

The rise and fall of the Video Games Arcades in the 80's is a sad story that saw almost all of the great Arcade machines disappear from our high streets and shops only to be consigned to history and looked back on with fondness.

It's rare in the UK to see Arcade machines outside of the seaside town Amusement arcades nowadays and we at Games Freezer* do miss the Arcade machine in the local Fish & Chip shop that would gobble our 20p while we waited for our Cod & Chips to be cooked.

"The Space Invaders" is a documentary that looks at the fall of the Arcade industry and in particular talks to those enthusiasts who are looking to keep the Arcades alive by collecting cabinets and building their own Arcades in their homes.

It's a great insight into the Arcade Machine collectors culture and a really well told story from director Jeff Von Ward that brings alive the passion these guys have for the Arcade Cabinets.

Check out the link below to find out more and support this great documentary.

The Space Invaders

Once you have watched it let us know what you thought of it?


It made us want to build our very own GamesFreezer* Arcade in London!


If we built it......would you come along?


☆ "Sun,Sea and Arcade Games" ☆ #Retrogaming #Arcade #GamersUnite

The Games Freezer Team escaped the clutches of The Freezer* and hit the road in search of Sun, Sea and Amusement Arcades!

After arriving on The Sunny Tropical Isle Of Wight and taking a trip to Sandown Pier Amusement Arcade it was time to get stuck into the Arcade Games.

We took some cool pictures of our fave cabinets and thought it would be good to share some of these Arcade Classics with all the Games Freezer clan with a little bit about each game taken from Arcade Museum or good old WikiPedia


☆ "My Top 5 Most Quoteable Retro Arcade Games" ☆


The arcade games from the past that tend to stick in the minds of all of us at Games Freezer* are the quoteable ones.

Its not unusual to hear "Power Up!" or "Haduken!" ring round the Games Freezer office as we go about our daily gaming business!

It got us thinking about the best example of the most quoteable games over the years.
We had a think and compiled some of the coolest Quoteable retro Arcade games that we still quote to this day.
So without further ado cast your eyes over our Top 5 and "Get Over Here!" 


Games Freezer* - Site Of The Day - @RacketBoy - "Retrogaming With RacketBoy"

RacketBoy Loves An 8 Bit Cartridge and so do WE!

We here at Games Freezer like nothing more than to peruse the various RetroGaming websites that are on offer in the Retro Gaming Webisphere.....

Every now and again there is one website that you come across that grabs you with it's quality of writing and displays a genuine passion for its subject matter.

That's exactly what is evident when you start delving into RetroGaming with RacketBoy.

This site is jam packed with great articles on all things RetroGaming. We lost a good hour just searching through all the cool articles. 

One article really grabbed us more than any others and that was "Why I Am A Retro Gamer"

Take a read of this article and have a look round Racket Boy's Cool site NOW!

Let us know what you think of RetroGaming with RacketBoy!

Let us know of any other Cool Videogames sites we should feature on Games Freezer!

By Richard.....Stuck in The Freezer with just a typewriter and a copy of Issue 6 Of Mean Machines


The Games Master TV Show



Back in 1992 British kids up and down the country had a reason to get home before 6.30pm......that reason was the Games Master TV show on Channel 4 presented by the then Fresh Faced Scottish Comedian Dominik Diamond (we never realised he was a comedian until Wikipedia told us so!) 

Games Master was the first of its kind in the UK and it took the country by storm as it was ingrained into the gaming population's after school / after work routine of getting home, have dinner and watch TV.

Games Master filled a hole that no other UK gaming show has managed to fill since, a prime time TV show that talks about Video Games for a solid half-hour and manages to entertain the viewers with a mix of humour, challenges and reviews.

Games Master ran from 1992 until 1998 for 7 Seasons and 126 episodes of Video Gaming insight. In this time Reviews of some of the great games of the day were aired and were backed up by journalists of the day from such great magazines as Mean Machines and CVG.

The main events within each show were the challenges that guests were put through in order to win the legendary "GAMES MASTER GOLDEN JOYSTICK" (wonder if there are any of these knocking about on eBay right now?!)

To top it all the producers pulled off a masterstroke by casting Sir Patrick Moore as THE Games Master who introduced each of the Challenges as well as giving out tips on current games to gamers who were stuck.

The first series was created at the time of 16 Bit console era with the first episode being aired at the time of the MegaDrive and just before the SNES being released.

It was this era of gaming that Video Games had just begun to get into the mainstream and it was truly an exciting time for gamers everywhere. 

Thinking back to Games Master makes us think of the cold winter nights in front of the TV in anticipation of which cool game would be featured in that week's show. It was such a fun show and really caught the mood of the gaming nation for the 6 years it was aired.

If you were an 80's child in the UK then Games Master was firmly a part of growing up.

Sadly the show was axed in 1998 even though viewing figures were consistently high throughout its history. Since 98 nothing has really come close to matching Games Master and the only Video Games TV show we could currently find was The Blurb on Challenge TV.

So, why not sit back and relax while you watch Episode 1 of Series 1 featuring the legendary CVG & Mean Machines writer Julian Jaz Rignall!

Do you remember GamesMaster with the same fondness as we do?

Has there been a better Video Games TV Show Since?

Is there still a market for a prime time UK Video Games show?

Games Freezer - Megans Medlee - @MeganIsraels

On our travels through the many roads and avenues of Twitter we stumbled across 'Megans Medlee'

Megans Medlee has a C♡♡L bespoke selection of retro gaming earrings for the lady gamer or even guy gamer in your life.

All of the designs are made by Megan Israels fair hand and our personal favourites are the "Bullet Bills" and the "Donkey Kong" studs!

Megan has a massive selection of different gaming earrings so why not nip over to Megan's Medlee and have a browse at what's on offer!

Let us know what your favourite designs were?

Gaming Hello Kitty superheroes villains & more by MegansMedlee