

Games Freezer - Game Art Gallery #1 - @CalumBennett_ - #RetroGaming

The Games Freezer Team Love To Search The Web For The Finest Game Art Around and Post It Onto Our COOL Pinterest Page

So we thought in order to showcase the finest picks of the Game Art we have found on our travels we should officially open


So in a series of showcases over the next few months we will attempt to show off some of finest exponents of Game Art on the web that we have been able to find.

So without further ado please let us introduce to you............a Friend Of The Freezer....

Calum Bennett...... +Calum Bennett @CalumBennett_

Calum has created some epic Game Art with a twist.......All of the Game Art featured here by Calum is inspired by some of the most awesome Video Games Quotes from over the years.

We love this idea and were really impressed by the simplicity of the idea and the excellent style in which it has been executed.

Before we take a look at Calum's Gallery lets hear a little bit about what inspired his Game Art and some words about the man himself....

"I care about gaming a lot and wanted to show it off.

I chose the most predominant quotes from some of my favourite games, that happen to span nearly 25 years.

I wanted to show that no matter the age of the game, the best games still have a classic, memorable moment.

I'm 23, UK I've been a gamer since before I could walk, and still game today."



Mortal Kombat



Our Favourite is the Zelda Art, what's yours - Let Us Know!

Have you worked out where in each game these quotes appear and maybe who says them?

What future Game Art would you like to see in The Freezer?

Richard - From Deep Inside The Vaults Of The Games Freezer Game Art Gallery


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