The Top 100 Games To Play Before You Die - Part 3

Recently we asked the 'TwitterVerse' what games we need to play before we die......
After compiling countless nominations from all of the
☆Friends Of The Freezer☆
we have managed to compile the definitive
☆Games Freezer☆ list of..........
☆"The TOP 100 Video Games To Play Before You Die"☆
We'll be releasing the full list of 100 over the course of 4 Articles on www.GamesFreezer.eu
This is Part 3.........
There's some lesser known titles and there's some classics that make up this list
Remember this list was nominated by all the Twitter Followers of @GamesFreezer and we think it's one of the most diverse Top 100's EVER assembled!
So what are we waiting for??
Lets Carry On The Countdown with Part 3 - #49 to #25