

☆Blog Of The Day - Boxed Pixels☆ @JulianHillUK #RetroGaming #GamersUnite

The Wonderful Boxed Pixels Blog!

This week we found a great blog that we can really associate with.

Julian Hill is a man on a mission...

A mission of RE-Discovery......

Julian's Blog "Boxed Pixels" aims to chart his mission to rediscover that heavenly joy he felt when he would open up a SNES boxed game and pop it into his oh so cherished SNES.

As Julian says, 

"Will I still love these SNES games now after barely having seen them for 20 years?

What would it be like to hold the boxes in his hands and put them on his games shelf after all this time?  

Is the magic of the golden age still in those boxes and in the pixels within" 

He's already covered some absolute classics such as the Super Cool UN Squadron , Cannon Fodder , Pop N TwinBee and Contra 3

Julian has gone through all the SNES games he could find listed and he's picked 80 'wants' and 70 'maybes' 

The key for Julian is to ensure all the SNES games he purchases are in boxes and not just loose carts as he wants to do this right.

He has cleared a space in his garage to house this potential new collection and is currently working his way through as many SNES games as he can over the coming months.

Julian is 20 games in already having started in April. 

We'll be following his quest closely and cheering him on all the way.

Head over to Boxed Pixels NOW to catch up with Julian's progress!

Let us know what you think about Julian's mission....

Has it inspired you to do something similar?

"Stay Frosty!"

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