

☆The Games Freezer Dream Arcade☆ #RetroGaming #Gamersunite


O.K so we've all had the daydream about owning all the arcade machines that get you excited just by mentioning them in a sentence….

So, let us just imagine for one moment that Video Gaming Fairy God Mother was going to grant you with your wish…

She'll grant you your very own custom Games Room wish BUT……..

You got only enough room to fit 10 Bad Boy Machines and you gotta choose  NOW!!

Where would you begin?

Would you start with some absolute classics or would you stock up on some of the latest arcade cabinets in the world of arcade machines?

 We set ourselves 15 minutes to decide our Arcades and this is what we came up with for 

"The Games Freezer Dream Games Room"

Street Fighter II

No Arcade is complete without a Street Fighter II Machine.

We'd choose this beauty which has various versions of the grand master of fighting games and it would have pride of place in our dream arcade

You can pick it up for a cool £2000 from Arcade Direct 

NBA JAM : Tournament Edition

4 Player entertainment doesn't get any better than this machine, every "BoomShakaLaka" and "He's On Fire" just makes us love this machine even more! 

We preferred the Tournament Edition because of the ability to do "Alley-Oops" and also the improved rosters 

We found it on Vintage Arcade for $1895

Mario Kart GP 2

We are truly in Arcade heaven when there's a 4 Player GP 2 machine in the same vicinity as us! 

Another multi player barrel of laughs, this would get played to death!

You don't see the 4 player versions often but when you do, make sure you take advantage of competing against 4 live players, legendary gaming experience!

We found this bad boy on Arcade Game Superstore for the best part of $22000!

Bad Dudes Vs Dragon Ninja 

This game stole most of our youth from us as it was strategically placed in the Video Shop that we went to on a daily basis and to this day it remains an uncompleted game for us despite endless 20p's pumped into it only for the Wacca Wacca Man to eat us alive! 

We searched it out for £1095 from Find Arcade Machines on one of their cool multi-game machines

Out Run

To spy an Out Run Cabinet in an arcade fills you with joy. The pure nature of this Arcade experience is second to none. Climb inside the cab and choose your music and away you go with your girl in your cool car......PERFECT! 

We could only find the mini cabinet for $300 on eBay 

Ideally our dream Arcade contains the deluxe version pictured above!

Tecmo World Cup 90

The local Fish & Chip Shop had this beauty in their shop and as you waited for your cod & chips you could attempt to lift the World Cup with such contenders as JAPAN!!! (They didn't even qulaify for World Cup 90!)

We located the PCB Board for $89 on eBay but it was impossible to locate the actual original Machine, maybe you'll have more luck than us?

Operation Wolf

Always loved the way the gun gave the feedback as you rattled off magazine after magazine of bullets into the bad guys. It was always one of those games where you would put in another 20p to get past that last bit  

We managed to find it on Choo Choo Arcades for $995

Golden Tee Golf

Being great lovers of Golf games meant that this was always the holy grail of golf games with its clever use of the trackball controls.

This would always pop up in a pub somewhere and would get played endlessly whilst simultaneously getting drunk....Good Times! 

We found Golden Tee for $3875 at BMI Gaming


In our opinion this was the golden era of the WWF and this game was our favourite wrestling game of all time!
It had all the wrestlers, all the moves and it also had 4 Player capability!! Quite simply immense!
We found it on Monkeys Arcades for $3304
  • 10 - Mortal Kombat

Can you beat the cry of "FINISH HIM!" in an Arcade? We dont think so!

Playing Mortal Kombat in an Arcade the way it was meant to be played is what its all about so "Get Over Here!"

We found a cabinet on eBay for $350

 Our Dream Arcade Comes In At A Whopping $38,000 / £24,000!

How much would yours cost?

What Arcade Games would make the cut for you?

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