

☆Website Of The Day "Dead End Thrills"☆ @DeadEndThrills #GamersUnite

Dead End Thrills

We love pawing over Game Art and we just cant get enough of it.

As anyone who follows our Games Freezer Pinterest Board will know we lap Game Art up and can lose many an hour trawling the web for the finest examples.

When we came across the Dead End Thrills website we were blown away by the amazingly high quality Game Art that was on show.

This website lets the amazingly beautiful art do all the talking and presents it in a way where you can get lost just clicking through the 1000's of available images.

So what's the twist here? 

Well the game art is actually stills taken from the actual games themselves at high res that really brings to life some amazing moments from the games themselves.

Read this to find out what DET is all about

Once you've done that head on over to

We LOVE Dead End Thrills, what's your favourite place to get your Game Art Kicks?

 Richard Reporting From The Freezer Gallery Room

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