

☆Beautiful Glitch Video Game☆ Art @PlayGlitch #GamersUnite

Beautiful Glitch Artwork

Glitch was once a gorgeously designed online game that oozed character and set itself apart from many of the other online games out there.

Launched in 2010 it didn't drum up enough users to make it viable to continue and therefore shut its doors on its community in 2012.

In a totally unselfish move Tiny Speck have relinquished the ownership of the game assets and have made all assets available to use in the Public Domain.

This means that developers, artists, bloggers and all manner of Joe public will get the chance to browse and use the assets that were lovingly created throughout the game's 2 year + life-cycle 

“This is probably the biggest release of art of this type into the public domain and we hope it will be a valuable resource for indie developers, students, artists and even commercial projects,” 
 Stewart Butterfield, president of Tiny Speck

So in honour of this Super Cool gesture by Tiny Speck we would like to showcase some of the best artwork we located within the online repository, get your Games Freezer eyes on this little lot!

"Alpine Style"
HumBabian Man

Take a look at this bounty of beautiful Game Art and let us know what your favourite piece is....

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