

☆Website Of The Day - "Games You Loved"☆ @GamesYouLoved #RetroGaming #GamersUnite

Games You Loved is all about its Retro Gaming community.

It relies on the cool Retro Gaming folk to submit reviews and stories all about Gaming experiences from down the years.

Check Out The F-Zero Entry...

The website concentrates on feeding the love of all games including Video Games by sharing images, videos and stories of all these great games and uses GamesYouLoved.Com as a virtual repository of all these great memories.

In order to access this treasure trove of Retro Gaming Goodness You can use the Advanced Search to look for anything you like.

You can search the site for your favourite content in various ways:
One of the great things about the site is that you can Submit Your Own Game Review

This review will get added to the database of games that is steadily building up on GYL's pages and you will get the recognition on the site from the wonderful people at GYL.

Added to all this is the GYL Blog

It's a really well written blog that gets a good dose of regular updates.

Check out the latest blog post on Cover Tapes it's a good read.

So my fellow Freezers, You Know The Drill.....


Like The FaceBook Page Here HERE


Let us know what you think of Games You Loved...


Why not submit a review to the GYL gang?!

☆Pettini Reporting From Beneath The Freezer☆

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