12 Dec 2013

☆Super Mario FULL SCREEN - "The Takedown"☆ #RetroGaming #GamersUnite #Share

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A Spot Of Mario Anyone?

A while back we read about the Full Screen Mario Website and have been meaning to visit it since November.

Full-Screen Mario In All Its Glory!

Today we finally got around to visiting it for a quick go on Super Mario.....But it's been taken down!!

We were too slow and it has cost us the chance to play this cool remake of the most famous Mario game of all time...

So what was Full Screen Mario all about then?

The website allowed anyone to play an open-source HTML5 remake of Nintendo’s 1985 Super Mario Bros

The Full Screen Mario version contained the following Cool Features:
  • The Original 32 levels
  • A Random Map Generator 
  • A Level editor
How cool was that!!??

Unfortunately, this was deemed to be in violation of Nintendo’s copyrights and trademarks.

The Takedown notice does mention the following though:

"Full-Screen Mario was enjoyed by nearly 2.7 million unique visitors during almost a month of popularity, across 6 continents and dozens of languages."

The Game Dev "Josh" goes on to say,

"I’m glad so many people got to enjoy the game and look forward to working on new and exciting (and legal) projects" 

It's also interesting to note that this project was inspired by Aleph One which is the Open Source version of First Person Shooter Marathon 

We'll be downloading Marathon soon and seeing what it's all about as we have never played it before...

In Summary, we went out to play a bit of Super Mario Bros and ended up learning a whole load of a cool project that we missed out on...

As The Freezer Always Says, "You lives and You Learns" 

(I'm not sure why it says this but it just does)

Were You One Of Those 2.7m Players Who Played Full-Screen Mario? 

Video Games, RetroGaming



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