

☆Website Of The Day - "Hall Of Light"☆ #RetroGaming #GamersUnite #Amiga

RetroGaming, Amiga



The Hall Of Light (HOL) 

The HOL Project's Mission is to catalogue all the official games that were released commercially for the Commodore Amiga

When you first visit the site the first thing that springs to mind is that it is minimalist in design as you are presented with a set of search parameters with little fuss made about the presentation of the site itself. 

But you soon learn that less IS more as the database stands at a HUGE 5590 games!

Once you undertake a search you are presented with a really smart and simple screen that shows a screen-shot from the game and then has various tabs to highlight key information about the game such as:

  • General Information Tab - Giving Year Of Release, Number Of Disks, Publisher, Number Of Players, Genre etc
  • Reviews - Listing the reviews and scores from those reviews with a link to those reviews
  • Manual - Where possible, a link to an online manual is given
  • Cheat Code - Where possible a Cheatcode is listed
  • Web Link - A list of other sites such as Lemon Amiga etc that feature the game
  • Screen-shot - Showcases additional screenshots for the game
  • Box Scan - A scan of the original Box Art
  • Disk Scan - A scan of the original disk
  • Misc Shot - A scan of other materials that may be of interest from the original game
  • Conversion - Screenshots from other system conversions of the same game
  • Game Map - Where one exists a scan of the game map will be included

The website highlights the following re it's marvellous database:

"Most games in the database are of the boxed, commercial variety but there are exceptions:

  • Licenceware games are considered commercial enough to be included.
  • Shareware, freeware and general Public Domain games are generally not present but they may be added if they form a fuller picture of a commercial person or entity.
  • A number of unreleased Amiga games are referenced. The status of these games varies; some exist in a near-complete or demo form while others never progressed beyond the announcement stage.
  • Some Open Source conversions (e.g. Doom) and games playable through interpreters (e.g. ScummVM or Exult) are listed. These are considered 'native' Amiga games."

We were lost in RetroGaming Heaven for hours searching out our favourite Amiga games over the years and drooling over the BIG BOX art and the screenshots.

For Any Amiga fan this should be your number one port of all call for all things Amiga, so get on over there now to unearth such gems as "The Bards Tale III" 


Tell us what you think of HOL assuming you can tear yourself away from the site! 

Games Freezer, RetroGaming



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