
28 Feb 2014

★Who Will Put The Last Generation Of Consoles Out To Pasture?★ #GamersUnite

Games Freezer, Playstation 3
XBOX 360, RetroGaming
Games Freezer, Nintendo Wii

There was a time when a generation of consoles could be put out to pasture gracefully with a fond farewell as the new generation of consoles were ushered in.


As the baton was handed over to the next generation of consoles the gamers would consign their beloved video games consoles to the past and move onto the next gen.


The generation of consoles that have just passed the baton onto the Wii U, PS4's and XBONE's of this world are still very much ingrained into this generation of gamers due to the fact that the length of time that has passed since the Wii, X360 and PS3 were introduced.

This transition is also made harder as players of the last generation were the first to truly embrace online play.
With this online play each game was given longevity that could potentially outlast a games usual life span.
So as we enter into this new world of consoles, when should the X360, PS4 and Wii stop supporting it's players?
When do Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft say enough is enough and turn the lights out on the online Servers?
This will be the first generation of console "deaths" that are really impacted by a switching off of those servers and Nintendo have been the first to reveal their plans....

They have announced that Wii and DS online servers will close as of 20th May 2014....

This closure will remove online multiplayer functionality from a whole host of Wii & DS games.....

The services being closed down for Wii & DS will include online play,matchmaking and leaderboards....

Does this spell the beginning of the end for the other online servers from the other big players?


Tell Us What You Think About This Move From Nintendo


When Do You Think SONY and MICROSOFT will announce their Plans For Shut Downs?


27 Feb 2014

★The "ARMIGA" Project★ @armigaproject #RetroGaming #GamersUnite #AMIGA

Games Freezer, RetroGaming

Within the bowels of The Games Freezer there is a disk box choc full of AMIGA video games disks.....consigned to The RetroGaming Deep Freeze .
Most of the disks are original AMIGA games (without their beautiful boxes) and some are not so original (probably from some dodgy dude at car boot sale in 1995....
Imagine we could delve back into this treasure trove without having to source the Amazing AMIGA....

In fact imagine an improved 1.3 version of The AMIGA...

One that looks and sounds just as cool as the original if not that bit better!

Well look what we have here then!

ARMIGA, RetroGaming,Games Freeszer

AMIGA, RetroGaming

The Idea....

"Wouldn't it be great to be able to use all those aging Amiga disks again?
Maybe the original Amiga is a bit big and video quality not so good..."

Amiga, RetroGaming

The Project

"... A smaller version of The Amiga, with modern connections would be awesome, wouldn't it?. 
That's what the Armiga Project have done.... 
They have taken modern technology and made it work with good old AMIGA floppies!"

Read what the Armiga Project Team have to say 
about their amazing project......

"The Armiga Project is born from the feeling that something is missing in today's games. Lot's of people look back to the old consoles and computers and remember the feelings they had.

Some of this sensations can be taken back with emulators, but much of the experience is missing; it's not only the game, it's a whole. Inserting the cartridge in a 16-Bit console, the floppy disk load times..., the look and feel of the old stuff...

All this is specially true in some systems and the Commodore Amiga 500 is, with no doubt, one of them. It was a breaktrhough in its time and still now it fascinates engineers all around the world. One proof of the deep footprint it left on the users is that lots of them keep the original computer and most of them have a box full of games.

There are some big problems now with the system, though: they are too big by todays standards, suitable for just one thing and A/V quality is low and requires legacy connectors.

Wouldn't it be great, we thought, if we could take the whole experience back, but with improved A/V quality, using modern connectors, in a small form factor and adding versatility?. 

That's where it all began. Taking off-the-shell components and adding custom designed ones, we already have the first prototypes working!

In a nutshell, the Armiga Project is a mix of hardware and software that aims to take back the original Amiga experience..., even its look and feel!"

If Like us you are mega excited about this amazing project head on over to 
The ARMIGA Project Website to find out more about the cool machine that is being built and tested as we speak!

To Keep Up To Date On The Latest Occurrences For The ARMIGA Project Make Sure You Also Follow The Project On


Where you can find a video of the the testing of the first prototype!

We'll keep you updated on all the happenings from the ARMIGA Project and you'll be the first to know when the ARMIGA dudes begin their Crowd Funding Campaign!

Meanwhile.......Tell Us What Your Favourite AMIGA Game Of All Time Was...

Games Freezer, RetroGaming

26 Feb 2014

★Website Of The Day Super Like Likes★ @like__likes #RetroGaming #GamersUnite #GameArt #PixelArt #Pixel

RetroGaming, Game Art

Imagine a Pinterest site just for Video Game art......

In our mind, that's the perfect website!

Well, we think we have found that website just for you guys and we know you will love it just as much as we do!

The site is called Super Like Likes and it displays solely the finest Video Game Art vailable to man and geek.

The RetroGaming style is right up our street and it just oozes character.

A mixture of GIFS, Screenshots and Fan Art that's categorised for the discerning Video Game Art lover.

Super Like Likes has been built on the Rebel Mouse Platform and has been tailored to cater for the Video Game Art nerd in us all!

Take a look at Super Like Likes and tell us what you think...

In the meantime here's some of our fave RetroGaming posts from Super Like Likes..

 And Just Take A Look At This Cool Set Of Social Media Icons On The Base Of The Website.......Pure RetroGaming....I Think We're In Love!


Support Super Like Likes By Getting Involved And Following Them Today


25 Feb 2014

♥ A Games Freezer Tribute To Harold Ramis ♥ #RetroGaming #GamersUnite #RIPHaroldRamis

The Games Freezer Has Been Saddened By The Death Of Harold Ramis.


Harold was best known for his immense comedy acting, directing and writing ability.


For us at Games Freezer he was the first 

"Geek Super Hero"

We adore the Ghostbusters Films and his role as Egon Spengler has stuck with us to this day.
Naturally when we were kids, after watching the Ghostbusters Movie we all wanted to be a Ghost Buster with our very own Proton Packs.

Many a hosepipe was attached to a rucksack in order to try and create our very own Proton Packs along with a shoebox attached to a piece of string to create our Ghost Trap (and that was just last week!) 

As you can imagine, When the Ghostbusters games hit video games shelves across every system we were always extremely excited about busting ghosts on our TV screens! 

Not many Ghostbusters games actually did the film justice but there were definitely some highlights over the years.
As a tribute to Harold Ramis we have decided to give you a timeline of all the Ghostbusters Video Games Released on every system ever…..

We'd like to think that Harold played videogames and in particular we'd like to think that he played at least one of the Ghostbusters Games released over the years….

So, Harold, this is for you……………..

Ghostbusters (Activision) - 1984

The Real Ghostbusters Arcade Game - 1987

Ghostbusters II Video Game - 1990

Ghostbusters Mega Drive/Genesis Video Game - 1990

The Real Ghostbusters Game Boy Video Game - 1993

Extreme Ghostbusters - 2001

Extreme Ghostbusters: Code Ecto-1 - 2002

Extreme Ghostbusters: The Ultimate Invasion

Ghostbusters Mobile Game - 2006

Ghostbusters: The Video Game - 2009

Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime (2011)

Ghostbusters: Paranormal Blast (2012)

Doom 2 Ghostbusters

So there you go, that's our list......


Which Ones Have You Played?


What Is Your Favourite?


Do Any Of Them Do The Amazing Film Justice?


24 Feb 2014

☆A Video Games Console That Creates Its Own Games.....Imagine That....☆ @EnGeniux @DerSamuels #OTONX

Games Freezer

Just Imagine A Video Games Console That Creates It's Own Original Games........


Sounds a bit sci fi doesn't it?


Well maybe it's not as far fetched as you might first think!

It's February 25, 2014 and Today, the EnGeniux OTON X autonomous
video games console is set to open beta signup to early adopters and developers.

The OTON X is billed by EnGeniux as the first autonomous game console that's ever been prepared for the Market....

The almost futuristic aspect of this gorgeous looking console is that the
OTON self-creates games, without any human input......

How Is That Possible We Hear You Cry!

The system creates games using an extremely clever custom algorithm with preset design parameters and a sprite database to create custom game environments.

During the beta testing, the project will offer crowdfunded OTON X (developer
units) to early adopters and developers. 

Systems will cost $99 for early bird units and $139 for standard units. 


Over one thousand users have signed up for  

OTON BETA Testing,
with the list growing daily. 


OTON X creator and Project Manager Derrick Samuels said

“We’re excited to let gamers, developers and media interact with the OTON UI because of its unique design layout,  


The goal of the beta is to gain feedback on the user interface and to move forward with adding more features."

Anyone Interested can sign up for the OTON X UI beta HERE

OTON X Specifications:
  • OTON OS (Operating System/Custom Ubuntu OS)
  • Quad-core (4 + 1 power-saving core) Four CPU cores are built in the ARM Cortex-A9 micro-architecture, and are clocked at 1.2 GHz
  • 1-HDMI 1.4a display output supporting digital resolutions up to 1920 x 1200 pixels
  • 3-USB 2.0 (Two Standard A, one micro-USB)
  • 1-Ethernet port
  • Stereo analog and multi-channel digital (SPDIF)(3 port channel)

  • No optical disc drive
  • USB storage device
  • 16 GB Flash Storage
  • 2-SD card slots (Front)
  • 205 mm or 8.07 inches (8in x 8in) (L x W)
  • 53 mm or 2.08 inches high
  • Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n
  • 2.4 GHz wireless
  • System can be position vertically or horizontal

Who Are The Dudes Behind This Ground Breaking Piece Of Game Changing Kit?

The EnGeniux team has ten years of game and manufacturing experience......

Between 2008 and 2010, they shipped a limited quantity of their first-
run console system. 

Creator and inventor, Derrick Samuels, has worked and developed several
new trends in tech and practical products. 

His initial system in 2004 was the first to converge a biometrics, PC, game console, DVR and media device into one unit. 

That same unit was also the first system to provide the possibility of
content powered by the Akimbo Platform and digital distribution.

During the 2007 CES show he demonstrated voice recognition software to
control the game console interface. 

In 2008 his first system shipped with Linux as a working OS for a start-up game console company. 

In 2009 he introduced cloud storage to the console before other console systems
considered the format. 

In 2010 his company was the first in the market to truly see and test the potential of Android as a gaming platform for a game console. 

The 2008 units are still in use, and his company continues to provide
annual customer support to keep these units working for customers.


Like What You Hear About This Amazing Games Console?

Keep Checking Back With The Games Freezer For More News On The OTON X

Follow Derrick Samuels For Regular Twitter Updates




What Do You Think Of This Amazing Piece Of 21st Century Video Gaming History?


What Questions Do You Have For The Creators?

OTON X, Games Freezer


23 Feb 2014

★The Man Behind "MICH The Game"★ @Mich_Game @Rob_Kian #GameDev #GamersUnite #RetroGaming


A while back we covered a preview of "MICH The Game" as our Game Of The Day and as part of our preview we managed to track down the guy behind the game  

Rob Kian from Eat My Face Games.

We asked him a few questions about the upcoming game and here's what he had to say.....

"Firstly, we just wanted to understand a few things about your latest project MICH

Things like, who you are and your background etc"

"I'm a guy in my 30s living in London and have been gaming before it was cool!

OK, maybe since '86.

I have always wanted to just be surrounded by games, in and out of work.
With a short-ish history in the game industry, i'm a spring chicken compared to others.

I worked for SEGA Europe for 7 years in Quality Assurance on projects ranging from Sonic Colours and Virtua Tennis to Aliens: Colonial Marines.

What has inspired you to create such a cool looking game?
"Thanks for saying so,  I was inspired by my girlfriend, she was getting a lot of text messages and I said it would be funny to make a game about the demons in her phone and then we just took it from there."
What is MICH all about, what's the story?
"This is something I haven't really put out on the internet, not even on my own site. 

I have this all written down in pieces and its not really in a stage to be concretely defined. But I can put some things together, just for you. This is a first!
MICH is a story about paranormal events that take place after an accident in Mich's workplace. 

Through mystery events, Mich's boyfriend Rob is transported to another time/space and will have to sift through the mystery events while attempting to get back home. Who's saving who?
The characters are not final, the story is not finished, the game is really in a pre-alpha state but here's some small details.

The game will feature 2 styles of gameplay:

Story areas/scenes with RPG style dialog text boxes and conversations.

Combat areas/scenes with platforming and combat.

Hey Rob Thanks for the brief Q&A - 

We Can't Wait To See The Game In Full Flow, Keep Us Posted Dude!

Games Freezer

Games Freezer

22 Feb 2014

★This Weeks Games Freezer Game Art Gallery★ @Hive_5 @videogame_art_ #Retrogaming #Gamersunite #Screenshotsaturday


Over the course of this week we've accumulated a smorgasbord of video game related imagery from Twitter and the various C☆☆L contributors such as @Hive_5 and @videogame_art_ aswell as many other Twitter Video Games stalwarts....

Here's a Game Art Gallery selection of our favourites from the week......

Which one do you like best?

Can you name the games too?



Games Freezer, RetroGaming
RetroGaming, Game Art