

★The Man Behind "MICH The Game"★ @Mich_Game @Rob_Kian #GameDev #GamersUnite #RetroGaming


A while back we covered a preview of "MICH The Game" as our Game Of The Day and as part of our preview we managed to track down the guy behind the game  

Rob Kian from Eat My Face Games.

We asked him a few questions about the upcoming game and here's what he had to say.....

"Firstly, we just wanted to understand a few things about your latest project MICH

Things like, who you are and your background etc"

"I'm a guy in my 30s living in London and have been gaming before it was cool!

OK, maybe since '86.

I have always wanted to just be surrounded by games, in and out of work.
With a short-ish history in the game industry, i'm a spring chicken compared to others.

I worked for SEGA Europe for 7 years in Quality Assurance on projects ranging from Sonic Colours and Virtua Tennis to Aliens: Colonial Marines.

What has inspired you to create such a cool looking game?
"Thanks for saying so,  I was inspired by my girlfriend, she was getting a lot of text messages and I said it would be funny to make a game about the demons in her phone and then we just took it from there."
What is MICH all about, what's the story?
"This is something I haven't really put out on the internet, not even on my own site. 

I have this all written down in pieces and its not really in a stage to be concretely defined. But I can put some things together, just for you. This is a first!
MICH is a story about paranormal events that take place after an accident in Mich's workplace. 

Through mystery events, Mich's boyfriend Rob is transported to another time/space and will have to sift through the mystery events while attempting to get back home. Who's saving who?
The characters are not final, the story is not finished, the game is really in a pre-alpha state but here's some small details.

The game will feature 2 styles of gameplay:

Story areas/scenes with RPG style dialog text boxes and conversations.

Combat areas/scenes with platforming and combat.

Hey Rob Thanks for the brief Q&A - 

We Can't Wait To See The Game In Full Flow, Keep Us Posted Dude!

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