

★Website Of The Day "8 Bit Football"★ @8BitFootball @SuperRockGames #PixelArt #GameDev #KickStarter #Retrogaming

Football, "The Beautiful Game" 

is a love so very dear to our heart.

So if you were to cross football (soccer) with Pixel Art & video games then we are in seventh heaven

As you can imagine, when we stumbled across 8 Bit Football.Com it was our dreams come true!

The guys at "8 Bit Football" draw football players in low resolution........a simple mission but boy are they good at it....

The pixel art is Sensible Soccer-esque but with even more added character.

All the footballers and scenes are instantly recognisable to any serious football fan and we found it like reading football comic book as we relived some of the memorable moments from seasons gone by in not only the domestic game but also the international game.

Feast your eyes on some of this marvellous pixel art work by the 8 Bit Guys

Not just satisfied with producing these amazingly cool Pixel Art masterpieces the guys at 8 Bit Football are working with the Indie Game Developer "Super Rock Games" from London in order to develop a video game in the mould of Sensible Soccer and Kick Off and they are calling it....

They are currently beavering away on the match engine and honing the game play. 

But due to the small nature of the game dev team and the BIG ambition of this brilliant project, they have instigated a KickStarter funding campaign to make it a reality. 

They will soon launch the campaign on Kickstarter and will need ALL OUR support to achieve it's goal!

Keep track of the Game Dev Blog >>>HERE<<< for more up to date news of when the campaign will be launched and also for up to date development news!

We'll be waiting with baited breath for this beauty to be released!! 

Keep Up To Date By Following @8BitFootball on Twitter 

RetroGaming, Games Freezer

And don't forget to Follow @SuperRockGames

Game dev, Retrogaming

We'll Make Sure We Do A Follow Up On All Things 8 Bit Football & Pixel Soccer Once We Know More!

RetroGaming, Game Dev, Pixel Art

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