
★The Games Freezer Guide To Buying Video Games★ #GamersUnite

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Games Freezer

When people buy and then play video games there are many different approaches people take which are generally governed by Age of gamer, budget, time, machines owned etc


I thought it might be interesting to let you know how I approach my video game purchasing and then to find out from all the ★Friends Of The Freezer★ how you approach yours......

So let's start with.......

Step 1 - Research

I tend to pile a lot of time into research of my next purchase as I purchase one game at a time. 

I will always try to ensure I'm making the right decision. Research will be made through reading magazines such as GAMES TM and Edge aswell as the IGN Website and Metacritic.

More recently i've added You Tube as great source of gameplay info from the online Trailers.

I don't like watching walk-throughs though because that's a massive spoiler to the actual game for me.

I also don't like playing the game at a friends house before I've bought it because again it acts as a spoiler in my opinion (unless its FIFA because they are all the same!)

I like those moments from your first play session where everything is new and fresh as you begin to learn the mechanics and the gameplay.

This approach has changed from when I was younger and had lots of free time to play games. 

Now my research is more methodical and precise as I have less time to play and want to ensure I buy a game after being well informed and considering all my options...

Step 2 - The Purchase

So I've done my thorough research and it's now time to make the purchase of the game that I have pawed over for the last couple of weeks.

Again this step is not immediate. I tend to check Amazon & Play.Com for a guide price and then I head to our good old friend eBay.

Most of the games I buy tend to have been out for a fair while so therefore I am able to get some real bargains on eBay.

For example, only recently I managed to pick up the immense Fallout New Vegas in Perfect Condition for £3.99!

All you need to be able to do is snipe the auction and Bob's your uncle!

Step 3 - Play Time

I now have the video game in my posession.....so what do I do?

Well I like to prolong the excitement by reading the manual cover to cover so I can get a feel for the game and almost tease my gaming hands a little longer before they get to hold the controller in anger!

Now it's time to play!

Time is limited nowadays and my gaming time is severely reduced due to this.

I generally set aside one day per week where I try and get at least a four hour session of gaming in.

Most recently I completed Metal Gear solid IV using the 4 hour session method as I inched my way through the game.

I find that it's hard to get going again when I only play once a week so sometimes the first 30 minutes are spent just trying to get back in to the groove again....

Maybe because I value my game time more nowadays is the reason why I tend to really enjoy these sessions and come away feeling like I’ve achieved something.

Step 4 - Completion

The whole point of my approach to buying games is that I can't buy another one until I have completed my current game (I’m currently playing Fallout New Vegas so I may not get to buy a new game for a loooong time!)

As you can imagine this approach takes a lot of discipline when there a re so many great games out there that I'd love to play right now!

This method does make me really appreciate each and every game I play and I tend to take my time to make sure I explore each and every inch of the game before moving on.

Step 5 - Next Game List

Once the game is completed I then revise my "Next Game List"

I'm not sure whether everyone has a "Next Game List" , but I do and I try to add to it as soon as I see a game I want to play.

It's the Next Game List that gives me the inspiration to play my next game and where I begin my Research once I’ve highlighted that Next Game... 

This is my current "Next Game List" ...... 

Deus Ex Human Rev - PS3
L.A Noire - PS3
Unchartered 1,2,3- PS3
Alan Wake - PS3
Rage - PS3
Gears Of War 3
The Walking Dead
The Wolf Among Us
System Shock 1 & 2
The Last Of Us
Bioshock 2
Bioshock Infinite
Super Meat Boy
Borderlands 2 

Maybe You Guys Can Recommend The Next Game For Me To Play?


How Do You Approach Buying Games?


Are you as meticulous and slow as me?


Games Freezer, Video Games, Retrogaming, Retro Gamer
RetroGaming, Retro Gamer, Video Games


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