31 May 2014
30 May 2014
♥Retrogaming Website Of The Day - Retroid.Net♥ @retroid_net #Retrogaming #GamersUnite
We've been doing the usual Friday sweep of Twitter and the world wide web to locate the finest retrogaming morsels we could find....
Trust us Freezer fans, there's a lot of great retrogaming goodness to choose from!
One site that really caught our eye, both aesthetically and also through the writing style, is Retroid.Net
It's a new site that's up and coming and we like the start of the journey that they have taken to get the site looking like it does thus far....
We hope Retroid.Net keep blogging away and fill the site with even more cool content as we just love to read the views of real gamers as we draw inspiration and love from the cool retrogaming community of the world (we're all hippies really!)
Anyways, why don't you head on over to Retroid.Net and judge for yourselves...........................
Are you back already?
Well, What Did You Think Of Retroid.Net?
Leave A Comment Below To Let Us Know....
29 May 2014
★" Pang Man Part 9 – Gaming Memories: The SEGA Master System "★ #RetroGaming #GamersUnite
As Pang Man Continues His Journey Through Some Of His Finest Gaming Memories,
He Gets Underneath The Games That Made The SEGA Master System Such A Great System!
Let's Take Another Trip Into The Mind Of The Pang Man As He Reveals Some Of His Favourites SMS Video Games...
28 May 2014
★"Pang Man Part 8 – Gaming Memories: Double Dragon"★ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite
When I was a kid I remember going to the Toys R Us and looking at the games consoles and computers in the glass display cabinets.
In those days there weren’t any of the interactive displays that you would find today. There were no Game or HMV stores . The only way to get my gaming fix was to watch the demos play in an endless loop.
Luckily my parents got me a Sega Master system for Christmas.
(Although, I would have happily accepted an NES as well. After all those adverts for Rob the Robot and Duck Hunt on TV were pretty cool!)
One of the first games that I got was the awesome Double Dragon!
Although pretty unimpressive by today’s standards, at the time I loved it.
★Fallout New Vegas - Game Diary 4 "Weapon Of Choice"★ #GamersUnite
Whilst marauding the Mojave Wasteland you get the opportunity to trial many superb weapons.
There are bog standard weapons like the .357 Magnum or the 9mm Pistol.
Then there's the slightly more advanced weapons like the Laser Pistol or the 10mm Machine Gun.
Not forgetting the fact that there's a whole plethora of melee weapons to utilise such as the humble baseball bat through to the Super Sledge and other quirky ,specially named melee weapons such as
Fist Of Rawr & Golden Gloves
After that you get the rarer versions of your standard weapon set which come affectionate names such as Annabelle and Lucky
Then there's the awe inspiring super destructive weapons such as the Missile Launcher or The Fat Man!
Over the course of the walkabout in Mojave you get attached to particular weapons.
Here's The Top 5 Weapons Of Choice that we make sure our hero, Dana, doesn't leave the vault without.......
26 May 2014
☆"Pang Man Part 7 – Cool Collectibles" #GamersUnite #Retrogaming☆
Our resident wizened old gamer has travelled the worl in search of cool collectibles and has some stories to tell aswell as some C☆☆L pictures to show you of his finest video games related acquisitions!
Put your feet up and relax as we bring YOU
"Pang Man Part 7 - Cool Collectibles"
23 May 2014
☆Have You played Make It Rain?☆ @SpaceInch #GamersUnite #MakeItRain
I don't usually go for the latest craze in mobile gaming as it's usually shovelware or a 2 minute fad of gaming hyped up by the press and pushed in peoples faces for 2 weeks only to disappear and never be seen again
(or in Flappy Bird's Case, to disappear and magically reappear in a few months time after everyone has been convinced that their video gaming life is missing some kind of badly executed flying mechanic)
Anyway, then along came "Make It Rain"…….
I picked up on this game while sifting through my Google Alerts and somehow it found it's way into the Retro Gamer alert…Hmmmm???
Upon reading the article, I dismissed the game and carried on sifting.
Then after searching video games news on Google I stumbled across "Make It Rain" AGAIN…..
This time it was an article on how it is making $50k a day.
It's at this point that I took notice of this so called phenomenon and I proceeded to download "MAKE IT RAIN" from the Google Play Store....
My day was about to be taken over over by £ signs!
22 May 2014
ππ½ Games Freezer Top 5 Video Game T-Shirts ππ½ #GamersUnite #RetroGaming
![]() |
https://www.truffleshuffle.co.uk/product/27661/white-pokemon-pikachu-t-shirt-from-criminal-damage |
We Love A Good Video Games T-Shirt
There's nothing better than telling the world that you're a gamer by donning a cool tee on a sunny day...
21 May 2014
★10 Awesome Things That Every Retro & Indie Gamer Should Buy!★ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite
There's loads of awesome things that we'd love to own and most of them are Retrogaming & Video Games related.
The thing is that this list changes on a daily basis as we see things that catch our eye on the wonderful world wide web.
So we thought we'd share todays list with you all so you can see what's taken our fancy.
- Take a look at "DosBox Turbo" - What About DOS BOX App For Android For Some Cool DOS BOX Emulation On The Go!
- Fez Game Art - What about Some Seriously Limited Edition FEZ Game Art?
- Football Playbook - Buy a thinking man's Football Game
- Tales Of Illyria - Buy A Pen & Paper Inspired RPG on Android
- NES Cartridge Hip Flask - Get drunk Retrogaming style
- ARMIGA Project - Back The Resurrection Of The AMIGA
- 8-Bit Pokemon Art Buy some amazing Pixel Art from The 8-Bit Artist
- Retron5 - When it finally comes out you NEED one of these in your life...
- From Bedrooms To Billions - PRE ORDER This Brilliant Video Games Film
- Commodore 64 Visual Compendium - Keep an eye out for this cool book
That's Our Games Freezer Current 10 To Buy List, But I'm Sure It Will Change By Tomorrow Afternoon!
What's The Number 1 Item On Your Video Games Wish List?
20 May 2014
★The Games Freezer "10 Links Video Games Roundup"★ @SuperIconLtd #Retrogaming #GamersUnite @ausretrogamer
We have been doing our usual sweep of the internet to find the best retrogaming stories from all of our favourite blogs and websites and we've discovered some marvellous articles for your consumption!
From the rare to the super interesting come and take a look at some of the coolest retrogaming articles that we could lay our hands on.
We've got ten beauties for you below to get you teeth into, so come on into the Freezer make yourself comfortable and slip on your thermals….
19 May 2014
★The Return To Super Video Game Land Part 3★ @AnthonyBulcao #RetroGaming #GamersUnite
There's only one artist that we have found on Twitter who perfectly captures the essence of RetroGaming in every single piece of his work every time.....
We featured +anthony bulcao and the Wonderful World Of "Super Video Game Land" way back in
January & February of this year and since then his following has grown and his artwork has multiplied.
Whenever we plug into the Super Video Game Land Timeline on Twitter we are always greeted by some new artwork that Anthony has created.
It's like Anthony's mind is choc full of the most amazing and memorable moments from Retrogaming history and he has this talent to express them on canvas in a way that portrays the fun that was and is still involved with playing these absolute classics
From Zelda To Mario Kart Anthony has it covered with a beautiful exclusive one off piece of art created on canvas using vibrant colours and really bringing the retrogaming 8 and 16 Bit characters and scenes to life.
We have so much love for Anthony's work and could talk about it all day but we'd like to let AB's work do the talking once again as we treat you to a Super Video Game Land Extravaganza of beautiful artwork!
Have Your Tickets Ready As You Enter The Wonderful World Of
18 May 2014
♥Game Art Gallery - Pick Your Favourite Piece Of Game Art♥ @Video Game_Art #GamersUnite
Let us brighten up your evening with a collection of 10 of our favourite pieces of Video Game Art from the week just gone.
We've sifted through @VideoGame_Art_
Twitter time-line to pick out the finest examples. .......
So Take a long look at these beauties and
take some time to let us know YOUR favourite.....
16 May 2014
☆What's Your Favourite Mario Kart Of All Time?☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite #MarioKart8
So as always we await with giddy excitement for the next release of one of our favourite IP's of all time...MARIO KART!
We thought this would be a great opportunity to take stock and look back over the years and try and work out which 'KART' was our favourite
(in fact we already know the answer but we thought it would still be fun to look back!)
So take a look back with us at some of the greatest Karting action the world has ever seen as we ask
"What's Your Favourite Mario Kart Of All Time?"
15 May 2014
☆The Retrogaming News Of The Week☆ #retrogaming #gamersunite
My laptop has packed up.........
Therefore I've gone back to basics as I write this post on my NEXUS 7 ......
Don't get me wrong, I love my Nexus but for some reason it doesn't feel right pulling a post together for Games Freezer using it and it also means I've got to use the Blogger app.......
which in my opinion is kind of derisory..... There, I've said it! I've dissed a Google app!!!!
Anyway, back to the matter in hand, I would like to share with you my favourite retrogaming stories from the week so far.......
14 May 2014
★The Games Freezer Screenshot Gallery★ @TopRetroGames @Hive_5 #RetroGaming #GamersUnite #PixelArt
Let's Get Down & Dirty With Some Midweek Sexy RetroGaming Screenshots Courtesy Of Our Fave Video Game Twitterers......
@TopRetroGames And @Hive_5
As Always We Challenge You To Name 'Em All!
13 May 2014
☆Fallout New Vegas - Game Diary 3 - "Are You A Lock Picker OR A Computer Hacker?" ☆ #GamersUnite
In Fallout the Lockpick and Computer Hacking skills are art-forms…
Lockpick requires a steady hand as you tease the Bobby Pin inside the lock and try and find the right sweet spot to get the lock to open.
The harder the lock the tougher the sweetspot is to find which will get you entry into the forbidden area.
Computer Hacking on the other hand is a test of logic and problem solving as you scan the words and characters for a clue to the terminal password.
Within the jumbled characters and words there are a number of brackets which ,when in the right order and selected, will take away a 'Dud' password or even replenish your guess allowance.
With the guess allowance set at 4 the Computer Hacking is tough nut to crack as you search for that elusive pword and a <> or a ( )
Once you have cracked the code you then get to view the forbidden information that was being concealed away or even sometimes that terminal will give you access to a particular door that you may not otherwise be able to open.
12 May 2014
☆Game Of The Day: "A Story About My Uncle"☆ @GoneNorthGames #GameDev
We've been doing our usual weekly sift through the most recent video games releases and previews to try and unearth a hidden gem of a game and we think we have found one in the form of....
By Gone North Games
A Story About My Uncle is coming to Steam on May 28th and we've fallen in love with the Gameplay trailer!
11 May 2014
☆Where Do You Go For Your Video Games Information?☆ @WikiPedia #GamersUnite #RetroGaming
Here At Games Freezer We Are Massive Users Of Wikipedia
Literally every video games article we write utilises Wikipedia in one way or another and therefore it has become an invaluable tool for us to utilise as it covers every facet of Video Games that you can imagine and generally focuses on the facts without the bias of opinion
After all these years of using Wikipedia we have only just made a discovery that all you Video Gamers have probably already discovered.......
It's called......
10 May 2014
At the time when I'd decided that my ATARI 800 XE/XL home computer was no longer C☆☆L
(Oh how wrong was I!!??)
I got it into my head that I no longer wanted a games machine with a keyboard because everyone at school had a shiny new NES and were playing video games like Super Mario Bros, Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles and Castlevania!
I'm pretty sure that I too wanted,No, Needed! A NES......
9 May 2014
♡My Love Affair With The SNES♡ #retrogaming #gamersunite @meanmachinesmag
Never before has an inanimate object caused me to fall in love with it…. Never before has an inanimate object demanded that I spend more money on it after I'd already shelled out a small fortune for it in the first place... Never before has an inanimate object brought me so much joy... Never before or since has a Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) been bettered in the world of video games...
8 May 2014
★Game Of The Day "5 New Games To Watch Out For"★ @Defrostgames @indomitusgames @UntoldGamesTW @WarsideGame
We have pulled together 5 of our favourite looking upcoming video games releases for you to take a peek at and decide which ones you'd like to play.
Take a look at these 5 exciting new video games releases that will be winging their way to a screen near you SOON!
7 May 2014
♥What's Your Favourite Video Games Case Ever?♥ #GamersUnite #RetroGaming
Call us weird.......Go On Then Call Us Weird!!
BUT We Like Video Games Cases......
There we said it out loud.....it's not a fetish it's just that each video games case over the years has become a part of the video games system that it served character.
Over the years there has been some beauties but we feel that the video game case probably lost it's individuality after the PS1.
After that, video games cases just became generic Video Games CD Cases.
So let us parade some of our favourite video games cases from years gone by.
The cases and the iconic style of Box Art are what we are essentially appreciating here......
So Without Further Ado Take A Look At The Video Games Case Catwalk
6 May 2014
★What was the first Video Game you ever completed?★ @C64_endings #retrogaming #GamersUnite
What was the first Video Game you ever completed?
Mine was Wonder Boy In Monster Land on the SEGA Master System…..
5 May 2014
♥The Games Freezer Top 5 Arcade Cabinets Of All Time♥ @GamesYouLoved #Retrogaming #GamersUnite #Arcade
Inspired by a Tweet from our friends at GamesYouLoved.com we started to think about the Coolest Arcade cabinets over the years which drew us in with their enticing looks and meant that we parted with huge amounts of 50p Coins (3 credits for 50p back in the day!)
So in time honoured Games Freezer tradition we bring you.......
"The Games Freezer Top 5 Arcade Cabinets Of All Time"
3 May 2014
★The Games Freezer Screenshot Gallery★ @TopRetroGames @Hive_5 #RetroGaming #GamersUnite #PixelArt
Hands Up Who Fancies A Bit Of Saturday Night Retro Video Game Screenshot Heaven?
Well we do!
Here we go with a lovely Top 10 Retrogaming Screenshots from our busy week of trawling the web......
Errrrrrr.....When we say
"busy week of trawling the web"
What we actually mean is a busy week of ogling @Hive_5's & @TopRetroGames' Twitter Timelines!
VIVA Screenshot Saturday!
2 May 2014
★Games Freezer Top 5 Favourite Special Moves★ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite
You're pummeling your opponent to within a 10th of their remaining life bar when you get to point that you can either finish them off with a mis timed soft punch to the arm or you could unleash an almighty finishing manoeuvre that lights up the screen and makes time itself sllllllllooooowwwww down.......
For all the button bashers out there its a case of a mistimed jab will do as long as you win.......
BUT .... For those Video Game Beat Em Up connoisseurs out there, finishing off the opponent MUST be accomplished stylishly with MAXIMUM WOW FACTOR!
So, what are the Top 5 Favourite Special Moves as judged by ☆The Games Freezer☆ ?
Let's crack on find out shall we......
1 May 2014
☆"Classic Amiga Version Of Defender Of The Crown Comes To Android"☆ @Cinemaware #Android #retrogaming #GamersUnite
We are big fans of the CinemaWare Video Games releases in the mid to late 80's.
Cinemaware brought atmospheric cinema-like video games to all manner of systems but the releases we remember most were those on the Commodore Amiga.
Such video games as IT Came From The Desert, King Of Chicago and todays featured video game Defender Of The Crown!
The Cinemaware games took their video games inspiration from the movies and Defender Of The Crown does so in the form of the classic swashbuckling movies such as Robin Hood (Good Old R.H Even Features In Game!)
Defender Of The Crown was the Elder Scrolls of it's time and set new standards in video games graphics and involving gameplay
So how have Cinemaware ported this beauty of a Video Game over to Android then?
Defender Of The Crown,
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