

★Fallout New Vegas - Game Diary 4 "Weapon Of Choice"★ #GamersUnite


Whilst marauding the Mojave Wasteland you get the opportunity to trial many superb weapons.

There are bog standard weapons like the .357 Magnum or the 9mm Pistol.

Then there's the slightly more advanced weapons like the Laser Pistol or the  10mm Machine Gun.

Not forgetting the fact that there's a whole plethora of melee weapons to utilise such as the humble baseball bat through to the Super Sledge and other quirky ,specially named melee weapons such as

Fist Of Rawr & Golden Gloves

After that you get the rarer versions of your standard weapon set which come affectionate names such as Annabelle and Lucky

Then there's the awe inspiring super destructive weapons such as the Missile Launcher or The Fat Man!

Over the course of the walkabout in Mojave you get attached to particular weapons.

Here's The Top 5 Weapons Of Choice that we make sure our hero, Dana, doesn't leave the vault without.......

Annabelle is a beauty of a Missile Launcher which I found at Black Mountain and has seen service for me inside Mr House's Lucky 38 Casino.

Basically when all else fails I turn to Annabelle and she sure packs a PUNCH!

2. Hunting Rifle +

My hunting rifle was one of the first items that I looted in the wasteland and it's stayed with me ever since. 

She was taken from a Legion camp and I have modded her with a nice "Hunting Rifle Scope"

I prefer to sneak up and take out the bad guys from range and my trusty hunting rifle lets me do this no problem!

3. Minigun

This is one powerful muvva of a gun, once it gets spinning it will mow down almost anything in its path. 

When I want some fun I turn to my good ol' Minigun!

4. 12.7mm Submachine Gun

Cazadores have no chance against this SMG! 

It's my go to weapon when I spot a swarm of Cazadores. 
Aim at the wings and finish them off. 

It's a Wasteland necessity for survival!

5. Varmint Rifle +

So the varmint rifle is not spectacular, flashy or even powerful BUT I have made sure that my Varmint rifle is fully modded with a nice silencer and a Night scope.

This get's an airing every time i'm in the sewers hunting's great fun!

What's Your Favourite Video Game 

Weapon Of Choice?

Fallout, Video Games


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