

♥Retrogaming Website Of The Day - Retroid.Net♥ @retroid_net #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

RetroGaming, Games Freezer, Video Games

We've been doing the usual Friday sweep of Twitter and the world wide web to locate the finest retrogaming morsels we could find....
Trust us Freezer fans, there's a lot of great retrogaming goodness to choose from!
One site that really caught our eye, both aesthetically and also through the writing style, is Retroid.Net

It's a new site that's up and coming and we like the start of the journey that they have taken to get the site looking like it does thus far....

We hope Retroid.Net keep blogging away and fill the site with even more cool content as we just love to read the views of real gamers as we draw inspiration and love from the cool retrogaming community of the world (we're all hippies really!)

Anyways, why don't you head on over to Retroid.Net and judge for yourselves...........................

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Well, What Did You Think Of Retroid.Net?

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Retrogaming, Video Games

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