

☆Where Do You Go For Your Video Games Information?☆ @WikiPedia #GamersUnite #RetroGaming

Here At Games Freezer We Are Massive Users Of Wikipedia


Literally every video games article we write utilises Wikipedia in one way or another and therefore it has become an invaluable tool for us to utilise as it covers every facet of Video Games that you can imagine and generally focuses on the facts without the bias of opinion


After all these years of using Wikipedia we have only just made a discovery that all you Video Gamers have probably already discovered.......


It's called......

Gamesfreezer, Wikipedia

'The Wikipedia Video Games Portal'

 This little beauty of a Wikipedia page houses a way into all the Video Games related content in one handy place...

We think this is a great place to start when we write about literally any Video Game or Video Game related topic...

Within the Portal itself there are various key features such as:

Selected Articles - Some Of The Best Video Games Related Articles

This Month In Gaming History - A List Of Some Of The Most Notable Events

Selected Pictures - Random Video Games Pics and Screenshots

Selected Topics - A List Of Some Selected Video Games Topics To Peruse

Featured Content - Video Game Content That Wikipedia Believes is its Best 

We recommend that you bookmark this beauty of a page and pay it a visit whenever you are looking get started on writing about anything video games related or as a great place to visit to settle a disagreement about Video Game FACT!

What's Your Favourite Video Games Destination On The Web?

Let us Know In The Comments Below So We Can Compile The Games Freezer Top Video Games Destinations On The Web!

Retrogaming, Retro Gamers, Video Games

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