

☆Games Freezer Game Art Gallery Featuring @LisaHignett ☆ #GamersUnite

We love discovering new creative talent in the world of video games and there's no better place to discover such talent than on Twitter as we converse with like minded gamers and creative types from all over the globe....

A couple of days back we stumbled across Lisa Hignett's work and we decided to find out a bit more about the amazing Game Art that Lisa has produced......



Lisa is a recent Game Art graduate from the UK who specialises in character design, creature design and environments. 

Lisa has been a gamer as well as an artist since she was a child and was inspired by the classic "Grim Fandango" which left Lisa with a love for stylized art  and a passion to create memorable video game characters.

Let's take a look at some of Lisa's brilliant artwork so far...............

"Song of The Guardians"

This is one of Lisa's personal game concepts which she began in the second year of university as part of a module and she plans to expand on developing it further in the future. 

Displayed below are some concept art pieces/digital illustrations of character and environment designs from the game, including some sketchbook drafts. 
Game Art

We love this colourful style of game art which is full of vibrant character and would love to see a finished game in this style!


"Lucinda's Fantabulous Fortnightmare"

Lucinda's Fantabulous Fortnightmare was a project Lisa created in the third year of university.
It features a protagonist called Lucinda who has to navigate through 14 nightmares to lift her curse. 

You can really see the Grim Fandango influence in this work and we love it!

You can see more of Lisa's work >>HERE<<

You can also follow Lisa on Twitter >>HERE<<

What Do You Think Of Lisa's Game Art?

What's Your Favourite Piece?

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