

☆"The Perfect Video Game Den? - Part 1"☆ @ArmyOfTrolls #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

How Many Of Us Have Daydreamed About Our Ideal Video Games Den?

It's something that takes place in The Freezer on a daily basis 
(daydreaming is what we're best at!)

It has caused lots of conversation and debate and over the years we have pretty much defined what the ideal video games den would look like and what items it would contain…..

Do You Want To Find Out What Our Ideal Video Games Den Would Look Like?

Read On….

We've broken our considerations down into 10 categories…..
These are….

1. Arcade Cabinets (restricted to 2 cabinets)

2. Consoles / Computers (restricted to 4 systems)

3. Choice Of TV / Projector / Plasma / Monitor

4. Seating Choices Settee / Bean Bags / Gaming Chairs

5. Sound System

6. Selection Of Multiplayer Video Games To Play With Mates (restricted to 5)

7. Décor

8. Games Books Bookcase & Books (restricted to 5 books)

9. Games Storage

10. Lighting

Now we've got our shopping list…….let's get stuck into the fun part….Let's Go Shopping!!

1. Arcade Cabinets

We'd pick two absolutely brilliant multiplayer games in the form of Mario Kart 2 GP and NBA JAM Tournament Edition.

They are always guaranteed to get the party started!

Mario Kart 2 GP - $12,000 - eBay


NBA JAM - $995 - eBay

2. Consoles / Computers

We are going with the Retron 5 so we can NES - SNES - MEGADRIVE/GENESIS - FAMICOM & ALL The Gameboy games!

Retron 5 - £119.99 - Funstock


Next Up Is The NEO GEO X.....Always wanted a NEO GEO when growing up, so an absolutely brilliant addition to the lineup!

Neo Geo X - £124.99 - Funstock 

You have to have the ZX Spectrum +2 in our Video Game Den to play some Football Manager 2 and Bomb Jack on!

ZX Spectrum +2 - £15 - eBay 

Let's finish our Games Den off with a lovely brand spanking new PS4 just so as we can experience the remastered version of The Last Of Us

PS4 - £324.99 - Play.Com

3. Choice Of TV

Now we've sorted out the systems, let's see what we're going to watch the games unfold on....

We love the look of this curved beauty of a 4K TV

Samsung UE65HU8500 UHD - £3541.99 - Amazon

The Samsung UE65HU8500 UHD 4k is a joy to behold and would be a joy to play any video games on! 

(maybe we'd get a CRT TV in aswell for some Speccy Fun!)

4. Seating Choices Settee / Bean Bags / Gaming Chairs 
We'll take four of these bad boys all linked up and ready to go for the ultimate multiplayer sessions!!

X-Rocker Vision Pro 2.1 Wireless Gaming Chair x 4 - £199.95 each - Boys Stuff

To Be Continued In Part 2 Tomorrow.........

Retrogaming, Retro Gamer

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