

☆"The Perfect Video Games Den - Part 2"☆ @anthonybulcao #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

Games Freezer, Army Of Trolls, Retrogaming

Yesterday in PART 1 Of Our 

1. Arcade Cabinets (restricted to 2 cabinets)

2. Consoles / Computers (restricted to 4 systems)

3. Choice Of TV

4. Seating Choices

Today sees us move onto covering our Perfect 

"Sound System", "Multiplayer Games", "Decor", "Games Books", "Games Storage" and finally "Lighting"

Read On And Don't Forget To Let Us Know What Great Stuff Would Feature In YOUR Perfect Video Games Den!

5. Sound System 
For us it has to be this beauty of a surround sound system as we just love the look of it....

Panasonic SC-BTT490 3D Blu-Ray Home Theater System - £349 - Play.Com

For that money you get a great looking and performing system....ooooh lovely!

6. Selection Of Multiplayer Video Games

With the focus on making sure everyone who visits the den enjoys themselves we thought it best to stock up on 4 of the best multiplayer games we could find on our chosen systems...

So here goes....

Street Fighter 2 - RETRON5 (SNES) - £18.98 - eBay

The ultimate in Man vs Man/Green Electric Beast Thing Combat and the only way to settle any Ken vs Ryu argument

Super SideKicks 3 - NEO GEO X - £20 - eBay

A brilliant ding dong of a Football Game with great animation and presentation, great fun!

Bubble Bobble - ZX Spectrum +2 - £8.99 - eBay

2 Player joy behold in this classic speccy game of Bub & Bob! 2 player games were always things of beauty on the Speccy, it felt so good sharing your experience with a Player 2! GAME ON!

Tower Fall Acension - PS4 - Around £10 - PSN

It had to be Tower Fall for us, we are loving the Retro visuals on the NOW generation PS4!
It truly highlights that good gameplay beats great graphics! That's why PSN is such a great way to sample new games....LOVE IT!

7. Décor
We are massive fans of Anthony Bulcao and his marvellous Retro Gaming creations and in our perfect Video games den we would plaster the walls with his amazing art work!

Take a look and see if you agree......

Anthony has loads more at his Etsy Shop and is always creating new works of art, so keep checking back!

Anthony's Etsy Shop
8. Games Books - Bookcase & Books

The bookcase is easy, it has got to be this marvellous Donkey Kong inspired piece of genius...

Only problem being is that nowhere sells it, so maybe we'll get someone to make it for us!

Now.....what books shall we start with?

Well we love leafing through the following 4 books...

1001 Video Games YOU Must Play Before You Die - £11.20 - eBay

It's a monster of a book with loads of great colour screenshots as it works it way through the greatest video games of all time, we love it!

The Art Of Video Games - £30 - Amazon

More amazingly cool pics with this book specifically focusing on Video Game Art and the Video Games culture surrounding our great hobby..

Speccy Nation - A tribute to the golden age of British gaming - £3.99 - Amazon

Celebrating those pioneering years of british gaming where the bedroom coder ruled the world and the Speccy was king...good times...

The Atari Book - £9.99 - Amazon

The Grand Daddy of Video Games gets it's own bookazine in the retro Gamer Magazine special. We are massive fans of these bookazines and this one is truly great!

9. Games Storage 

When we think of how we would display and store games in the den it's got to be a massive expanse of a bookcase choc full of video let's see what we found that might fit the bill.....

Well it's got to be walls of shelves just like this amazing collection as featured by The Huffington Post...

A wall full of video games is truly a thing of beauty....

Soak it all up >>HERE<<

10. Lighting

First of all let's get some cool light switches.......what about these...?

Now let's get some lovely Mario Style lamp shades.....

Now let's complete the den with some mood lighting and some great lamps....

So that's the perfect games den complete!

What Cool Items Would YOU Choose To Go Into Your Ideal Video Games Den?

Retrogaming, Retro Gamer, video games

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