
☆ There's Something Special About Japanese Video Game Box Art...☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

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What is it that makes Japanese Box Art so much better than the rest of the world box art?

I'm especially talking about the time of the SNES when import games were a real big deal.

The Japanese version always had the cooler box art...no matter what game it was!

In order to prove this, I thought I would buy a random Japanese version of a Super Nintendo game from eBay......

This is what I ended up buying...

Yes, it's the brilliant Super Tennis!

I managed to buy it for the sum of £1.24 on an auction listing and it came in it's original box with instruction manual.

I was very pleased with my purchase to say the least...

So....now onto the comparison part of this article.....

Here's the PAL version of the Super Tennis Box Art......it's a pretty bog standard cover for a tennis game really..nothing special here....a racket, a net and a tennis ball...

Now onto my Japanese version of the same game.....

It's not super exciting...BUT...it's already a better looking box...maybe it's just the Japanese writing that makes it cooler...i'm not sure??

Thhe back of the box is definitely a better looking item as it's got character...it brings across how fun Super Tennis is....

Then there's the manual.....the characters inside and the illustrations bring alive the game before you've even played it...very cool!

I admit that maybe it's not the nest example but i'd say the score between the two games would be 

Super Tennis PAL - 15

Super Tennis JAPAN - 40

What's Your Favourite Piece Of Japanese Box Art?

Retrogaming, Retro Gamer, Video Games
Retrogaming, Retro Gamer, Video Games

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