

☆ The Megadrive Is 25 Years Old, Take A Look At Our 25 Favourite Games ☆ #Retrogaming #Gamersunite

The SEGA Megadrive (Genesis) ….

The Knightrider of the Video Games World…

The console has always looked cool and to this day it's iconic image still oozes greatness…

The Megadrive is now 25 Years Old and that has led us to reminisce about the good old days to compile a list of our fave Megadrive games from back in the day…..

It's 1990 …. The Megadrive is King …. 

What Games Should Everyone Play?

Let's Find Out Shall We....
Whatever console you play this game on it's an absolute blast!

24. Zombies Ate My Neighbours

A brilliant fun game with a distinctive B-Movie Style, love it!

23. NHL 94

Still the best NHL game EVER!

22. Golden Axe
The Arcade behemoth came to the Megadrive and blew us all away.....that game was special

21. Castle Of Illusion
This was the first video game where you felt like you were involved in an interactive cartoon. Absolutely brilliant platformer which is beautiful to look at.

20. Desert Strike
Flying around saving hostages and shooting Saddam's baddies was an awesome experience on the Megadrive, this is a game that still plays great to this day.

19. Mega Bomberman
The ultimate 4 player madness! Bomberman is still the king of the party games!

18. Micro Machines 2
The J Cart on this bad boy was awesome, allowing you to plug in those extra two joypads to create multiplayer mentalism...very cool!

17. Flashback
A beautiful looking game that oozes atmosphere and brilliant animation.

16. Populous
The game that made us all gods....oh how powerful we felt when calling in Armageddon!

15. Ghouls N Ghosts
A brilliant version of this classic game which is lots of fun to play.

14. Lemmings
Lemmings was massive at this time and getting a release on the Megadrive was brilliant for all us Lemming heads! 

13. Mortal Kombat 2
The sequel to Mortal Kombat was everything us gamers wanted. It was the heyday of the beat em up genre and this was up there with the best of 'em!

12. Earthworm Jim
The Worm is King on the Megadrive and we love him. 

11. Road Rash 2
What a game....2 player was awesome and the second game in this series was the perfect racer of its time!

10. Sonic
It's Sonic.....nuff said

09. Streets Of Rage 2
Great beat em up with an awesome 2 player mode. This game still looks great to this day. An absolute must buy/play!

08. Gunstar Heroes
Graphically this game is amazing in fact it’s a 16-bit stunner! The weapon system is brilliant with the combination of various weapons keeping the fighting interesting all the way through this great game!
07. Castlevania : BLOODLINES
The eery atmosphere of this great game sets it up perfectly. Now couple that with marvellous gameplay and a perfect 16bit soundtrack and you end up creating the perfect Megadrive experience. As side scrollers go, this is one of the best ever!
06. Sonic 2
So, you've released the most talked about platform game in the history of platform games....what do you do next?

RELEASE Sonic 2! If Sonic consumed you then Sonic 2 ate you up and spat you out! How dare SEGA release a game that was BETTER than SONIC 1 in so many ways.

Just imagine the expectation of the SEGA loving public at the time .... and boy did those SEGA dudes deliver!

Just play the game.....

05. Quackshot

Overlook this beauty at your peril, Quackshot is one of the greatest Disney platformer games of all time. 
The soundtrack was great, making you feel at the time that you were right there with Donald in the leading role of an action blockbuster film! 
The gameplay even had some RPG parts to it. You had puzzles to solve and Disney characters to speak to. 
A great looking game that plays brilliantly too.
04. Shining Force

At the time Shining Force was like nothing we had ever seen before.
It had these beautiful hand-drawn character portraits which were truly amazing to see on the Megadrive.
Then there were battle sequences which were unreal!

For any 12 year old at that time the thought of building your very own small army and then picking which of your army you wanted to take in to battle was mind blowing!
Each character felt different with their own look and style and it just felt as though you really were commanding an unstoppable army in battle.
Put that all together with great music and graphics and you can see why we rate this game so highly...
03. Aladdin

Disney at this time really were on top of their game when 

it came to videogames.

The love of platformers was at an all time high and Aladdin was the cream of the crop. 

It is a beautiful game with brilliant gameplay and great music that feels like it has dropped you straight into a Disney movie. 

Whether you like Disney or not, you just have to fall in love 
with Aladdin on the Megadrive.

02. TMNT: The Hyperstone Heist

The Turtles have been around forever and the Video Games have always been cool but none have been better than this...

What we have here is a game that fights it out with not only it's arcade brother but with the similar SNES game Turtles In Time. 

This Megadrive version delivers great gameplay, great graphics and great fun in bucket loads.

For any Turtles fan, young or old, you just have to play's the LAW!

01. Street Fighter II-Championship Edition

Oh the wait was excruciating! The SNES

owners smugly plugged away on SFII while

the Megadrive owners waited..... Oh the wait seemed like 


So, when SFII did show up on the Megadrive, it was that much sweeter...especially when it turned out to be the Championship Edition of this masterpiece which allowed you play as the final four bosses!

This game did not leave the cartridge port.....EVER!

You all know how great this game is, go and play it again to jog your memories...


So, there we have it, Games Freezer Has 

Chosen It's Most Favourite Games For 

The Megadrive....

What's Your Favoourite SEGA Megadrive /

Genesis Video Game Of All Time?

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