

☆ My First Three Hours With The Video Game That Changed Everything…☆ @PS_Beyond #GamersUnite

Imagine a video game that draws you in with it's storyline, tugs at your heart strings, makes you care about the characters, lets you fall in love with the game world and delivers heart thumping action whilst also scaring the shit out of you on a regular basis….

These elements combined are rare in a video game but I have discovered such a game…

It's a game that everybody has heard of and that every video game journalist on the planet has played and written about…

On this front, I'm well behind the pack as my first play session on this game was yesterday and the game was released in June 2013...

I've never been one to play the latest release and I tend to avoid following the pack when it comes to seeking out new video games experiences…

BUT in this case, it's such an amazing game that I wish I had played this wonderful game on Day 1….

Have you guessed the game yet?

Maybe you will guess it by the end of my homage to the first 3 hours of this amazing game….

It opens like a great movie and thrusts you into a hellish situation that almost feels real, as it's set in the here and now …..

You are treated to a cut scene involving the main protagonist and his daughter as the hellish occurrence unfolds….

Fast forward 20 years and you are a changed man living in the aftermath of this unexplained cataclysmic event.

This is a very different world from the here and now……a broken world full of desperation and madness.

My first 3 hours of this game have actually already brought a tear to my eye and that was just the opening sequence!

From that moment on I fell in love with this game. I am around 30% of the way through it and I don't actually want it to end (ever)

I am purposely taking the role of a scavenger as I search every nook and cranny for whatever may be useful in my quest and this also ensures that the experience lasts just that little bit longer as I take in every part of the game that was meant to be discovered and maybe some parts that weren't meant to be....

The remaining 70% for me is going to be an absolute joy, I just know it already….

I can tell this is going to be the case, as sometimes when the action takes a short break I actually find myself viewing the vista of the beautiful landscapes before the next gut wrenching part of the game begins and I find myself hiding from the nasties that may or may not jump out at me…

If you havn't guessed already, the game that I have fallen in love with is THE LAST OF US and it is true what everyone has said before me. It is a truly amazing video game….

If you havn't played this game yet, you owe it to yourself as a video gamer to play it, whether that be on PS3 or PS4, just buy it and play it……

You've heard all this before, I'm pretty sure, but I felt that I just had to get down in words and get it off my chest just how great this game actually is!

Are You Yet To play The Last Of Us?

If You've Played It, What Were Your Overriding Memories Of The First 3 Hours?

Video Games, The Last Of Us
Retrogaming, The Last Of Us, Video Games, Playstation 3

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