

☆ An Original Video Game We'd Really Love To Play! "Proven Lands" ☆ @btxsqdr #GamersUnite #GameDev #Kickstarter

Games Freezer, Kickstarter

We came across this cool Kickstarter for the Proven Lands Video Game a while back and have been meaning to write about it for an absolute age!

Now we've come around to put pen to paper it's only gone and been cancelled!!

But interestingly enough the project was actually cancelled with a whopping £23k of funding behind it.....

The only problem was, the goal was a whopping £299k!

The project was cancelled in order to have a rethink of the strategy employed to get this beauty off the ground......

The game is called...... PROVEN LANDS

Games Freezer, Kickstarter

Proven Lands is to be an adventure game that will still be randomly generated by AI....

The AI will for all intents and purposes will be acting as the Dungeon Master directing events and making sure everything fits together in the Proven Lands world...

This is the kind of game we love to play. With clever use of resources you will be tasked with surviving in the Proven Lands. There will be creatures to fight and the necessity of building a camp to aide in survival. 
Then......the NIGHT comes......
Will your camp keep you safe?
What weapons will you craft to keep yourself alive?
You'll get the opportunity to explore to your hearts content in this cool sandbox game, as you discover the secrets of the wilderness.
There's also the opportunity for some Research & Development to be undertaken in order that you can make some trips to far flung places in the game world....
Sounds exciting doesn't it!!??

Well take a look at the cool You Tube Video which gives a taster for what to expect.


If Like Us, You can't wait to play this cool game then head over to as there is now a release date in place of 2015 on Windows.......

What Do YOU Think Of This Amazing Game?

Let Us Know On Twitter @GamesFreezer

Retrogaming, Video Games, Retro Gamer, Kickstarter

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