

☆ Games Freezer Tutorial 1: "How To Clean Your Super Nintendo Cartridge Contacts" ☆ @GamesYouLoved #Gamersunite #Retrogaming

Retrogaming, Nintendo, Super Nintendo, SNES, Starwing, Video Games, Gamer, Gamers, Retro Gamer, Retrogamer, Starwing, Starfox, 3.8mm Bit, Isopropyl alcohol, Cartridge Contacts

Having Recently Bought the STARWING Video Game For The SNES From eBay I Have Been Looking At Various Tutorials On How To Best Clean Up Video Game Cartridge Contacts Before Inserting It Into The Sacred SNES!

There are various Techniques & Methods out there and some contain advice that I think could ruin your video game cartridge if you follow them!

So through the use of high tech wizardry and effects (A3 Paper & A Black Marker) I will share with YOU my tutorial on cleaning SNES Cartridges.....

retrogaming. SNES, Video Games, Retro Gamer, Nintendo, Gamer, Gamers, Starwing, Starfox

First Of All Let's Start With The List Of DO NOTS Before We Get Down To The Dirty Deed....

  • Do not use Window Cleaning Products
Windex contains ammonia, dye and water which can cause contact damage.
  • Do Not Use Metal Cleaning Products
These will leave a film on the contacts meaning you will need to clean it off with Isopryl Alcohol Anyway. 

  • Do Not Use Oven Cleaner 
Oven cleaner is obviously NOT for electronic contacts and could easily cause damage to the components in the cartridge.

  • Do Not Use Heavy Force On The Contacts 
Don't scrub or use an abrasive material or cleaner as you could end up scrubbing away the contact metal and ruining the cartridge

Now Here's Your List Of DO's

  • Use Isopropyl Alcohol 
Use 70% to 90% Isopropyl Alcohol and get the wipes if you can (the same ones nurses use on your arm prior to an injection to clean the area)
The higher the percentage the less water is contained within the solution.

  • For A Deep Clean Inside The Cartridge Buy A 3.8mm Security Bit
You can get these on Amazon for a pretty cheap price.....


Let's Get Started With The Tutorial Video & 

Step By Step Guide!


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  1. Security Bit Socket
  2. 3.8mm Game Bit / Security Bit
  3. Isopropyl Alcohol Wipe
  4. SNES Cartridge


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  • Insert Your 3.8mm Security Bit Into Your Socket


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  • Unscrew both of the cartridge "STAR SCREWS" <technical term>

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  • Open up your cartridge to reveal the guts of the beauty!


retrogaming. SNES, Video Games, Retro Gamer, Nintendo, Gamer
  • Get your Isopropyl Alcohol Wipe Opened
  • Take Out The Contacts from the Cartridge Case 
  • Give It A Good Clean
  • Watch It Glow After The Cleaning It Deserves!


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  • Now it's time to put her back together
  • Make sure that you place your cleaned contacts back into the case so it rests and sits firmly
  • Now get your front plate and ensure the clips go into the holes on the back plate (see picture above)
  • Now screw your star screws back into the front plate using your 3.8mm Security Bit
  • Once both screws are securely back in, you have a lovely looking clean SNES cart with sparkling clean contacts!
  • Going forward you may not need to take the whole cartridge apart as you can potentially just clean the showing contacts. But as it only takes 30 seconds to disassemble the cartridge you may as well do it thoroughly each time.

retrogaming. SNES, Video Games, Retro Gamer, Nintendo, Gamer

Hopefully This Tutorial Was Helpful?

Let Us Know What Tutorials YOU Would Like Us To Cover In The Future....

retrogaming. SNES, Video Games, Retro Gamer, Nintendo, Gamer, Starfox, Starwing

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