

☆ My First Month With The Reddit Video Games Communities.... ☆ @reddit #GamersUnite #Reddit

Games Freezer

Until about a month ago I was a "Reddit Virgin"

I'd heard of the site but didn't really understand the concept

I'd visited it before and didn't quite "get it"

It had seemed kind of amateurish and I wondered at the time "Why are so many people enthralled by Reddit?"

Well, i'm glad to say i've discovered the Video Games Communities and "Now I Get It!"

Reddit's power is in it's rules

It's a social media / media sharing phenomenon because of how it polices its uses and encourages the positive behaviours that we'd all like to see on Social Media platforms.

The key for me is the way it enforces the no spam rule. It monitors the URL's you are linking to in your Reddit submissions and then rejects posts if you exceed the percentage criteria of linking to one particular site all the time. It's a simple concept but it works extremely well.

This ensures that the members of the chosen community adhere to the rules and the content posted therefore also benefits from being of a higher quality rather than just quantity.

The other great thing about Reddit is the way it promotes thoughtful discussion.

There seems to be a certain person that uses Reddit and that person (in my experience) does not have a FAN BOY mentality that I have found in other Video Games communities around the web.

This in turn means we can skip the playground war of words about "My One's Bigger Than Yours" and actually discuss video games thoughtfully....

For me that is absolute god send as I like nothing more than to browse the web for articles about Video Games and then talk about those articles with like minded people.

Not only that, but I also get the opportunity to pitch questions to a knowledgeable crowd of people who know their subject. I can get answers and discussions on things that have been in my head for days and I can open up a whole new way of thinking and considering the discussion point.

Reddit in my opinion is a massively powerful social network and tool. The power comes from its members and the great sense of community that it absolutely encourages. It almost feels like a movement away from the old way of viewing the web and I love it.

Over The last month I have customised my view of the Reddit World by subscribing to a whole host of Video Games related communities (Reddits and Sub Reddits) which have opened my eyes to a whole host of Video Games related subjects. 

Also, i've realised that if their is a hobby or subject that i'm interested in, then there's an associated Reddit or Sub Reddit totally devoted to it! e.g. the minute I rekindled my passion for Interactive Fiction (I.F) I joined the I.F Reddit and I was chatting to members for recommendations in the matter of minutes!! 

With that in mind, I thought i'd share with YOU my Top 5 favourite Video Games Related Reddits for YOU to discover.......

5. Nostalgia

A wonderful mix of old technology and games along with some nostalgia around sweets and manner of other cool things people are remembering mainly from their childhood. A good place to go if you want to pronounce out loud "Oh Yeah I Remember THAT!"

4. GamerPorn

A place to view some of the most attractive screenshots from around the world of gaming. A mix of retro and current gen screenshots put before you to titillate your senses and make your imagination run wild. A sensual overload that keeps you coming back for more!

3. Tip Of My Joystick

If you have a case of Video Gamers Block, whereby you are unable to remember a game that you once played the hell out of. Then you need to seek the help of "Tip Of My Joystick" 
Once you give as many details of the game as you can remember then the community will set to work to solve the mystery for you. It's a brilliant concept. Head over and give it a go yourself...

The Game Dev Reddit is choc full of brilliant snippets of game dev info and tips which is actively contributed to on a mega regular basis. It's a treasure trove of Game Dev goodness....Take a peek inside a Game Dev Reddit that's absolutely BUZZING!

1. Retro Gaming

This Reddit is dangerous! I could spend a whole day here and not even notice. It's a marvellous community of like minded individuals who post brilliant articles, pics and discussions on a super regular basis....if you love Retro Gaming like I know you do then this is your Number 1 destination on Reddit!

What Has Been YOUR Reddit Experience?

Let Me Know In The Comments Box Below

Games Freezer, Retrogaming, Video Games
Video Games, Reddit

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