

☆ What's Your Favourite Video Games Website? ☆ #GamersUnite

video games

As a blog owner I love to look at other websites and draw inspiration from good design and also from bad design too.....

There are certain websites that I aspire to be like or that I think get the essence of what being a gamer is all about.

So I decided to compile 5 of the best video games websites out there today.....

Take a look and pay them a visit to see if YOU agree with me..

This website really strikes a chord with me.

Being a gamer with a full time job can be tough and GWJ get this and tailor the site content accordingly.

It's a great read.

Also make sure you listen to their cool podcast.

Being an avid RPG player I absolutely love this site. 

It's simple but chock full of info.

This has to be your first port of call for anything RPG

More than just a website, it's a community for indie games players and developers.

A real treat of a site both visually and in content.

Always a whole host of great games and features to be read here!

This is my go to destination for all my Retro Gaming needs.

I generally end up getting lost in all the cool retro gaming material and end up pinning just about EVERYTHING to my Pinterest account!

A great place to stop by and indulge in retrogaming memories!

Out of the BIG sites (IGN,Gamespot etc) I find that Kotaku is the most considered of all the sites.

Always looking for new angles of video gamer subjects it's always worth a read.

And Of Course There Is Always GAMES FREEZER! :)

What's YOUR Favourite Video Games Websites?

Video Games, Retrogaming

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