

☆ "The Black Glove" - A Kickstarter Campaign With A Retrogaming Twist ☆ @day4nightgames #GameDev #GamersUnite #Kickstarter

The Black Glove, Game Dev, Kickstarter

The Bioshock Series as you probably already know is one of the most ground breaking set of video games that have been produced in this wonderful world of video games.

Each game a work of art and always trying to challenge you in a new way....

I adore the Bioshock games. They put you on edge and make you feel that your character is indeed mortal and underpowered (initially) against the in game characters. 

The Bioshock Games make you work hard for your right to exist in the game world and when you succeed it makes it all the sweeter.....

So imagine how excited I was when I came across this great looking Kickstarter from a group of Independent Game Developers who assisted with the creation of the Bioshock games!

This is the story of The Black Glove.........

The Equinox Theatre is the starting point for this first person adventure game with an 8 Bit twist.

The Equinox is a run down 1920's theatre which holds a dark secret...

The Equinox is caught in some kind of 'Twilight Zone' which is causing its inhabitants to go insane.

The game tasks you, the new curator, with exploring the Equinox and unraveling the mystery of why the genius inhabitants have all been inflicted with madness and this in turn will help save the theatre from its impending decay....

The inhabitants are made up of  an Artist, a Film Maker and a Musical Act. Your interactions with the characters and as you search around the theatre for clues will assist in saving these poor souls from themselves and the Equinox itself....

The 8 Bit Twist to this game comes in the form of the video game within the game......

Space Minotaur is an 8 Bit Arcade game that is housed within the Equinox. You will get the opportunity to play this simple but multi layered maze game and your actions and results within the Space Minotaur game will have a direct impact on the outcome of the main game (nice twist eh!?!)

Now let's throw The Black Glove into the mix....The Black Glove is an artifact that is acquired by the player and enables the player to bend space & time (handy.......geddit!?.......sorry...)

The black glove will therefore enable you to change the past in order to fix the present....

The team behind this Kickstarter and the impressive looking video are aiming to create a Triple A game using the Indie Dev approach. 

The Game looks amazing so far and you can instantly see the art style similarities between The Black Glove and the Bioshock series.

From viewing the video and reading the back story to this game, I have to say this game looks amazing and already has me on edge and I havn't even played it yet!

The game just oozes atmosphere and has a game world I am just itching to explore and be immersed in (for better or worse!)

There's only 4 days left to back this amazing project and a lot of dough is still required to make it a reality so i'm on my way to back this baby now......why don't you join me and try to get this unique video game made.......... 

In the meantime take a look at this cool video which made my mind up that I just had to share this cool Kickstarter with you all.....

Will YOU Be Backing The Black Glove?

Kickstarter, The Black Glove, Kickstarter, Indie Game, Game dev
Retrogaming, Game dev, Video Games, Kickstarter

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