
☆ The Legendary Warrior "Shovel Knight" Leads The Charge For Epic Manager ☆ @YachtClubGames @WeAreManaVoid #gamedev #Kickstarter

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Games Freezer, Kickstarter, Game Dev

Last Week we gave you an insight into the wonderful world of Epic Manager with a look at the Kickstarter Campaign that has just launched.

Epic Manager as you'll recall is a daring new genre hybrid of RPG & Management Sim.... in essence its an RPGMS (not sure if that acronym will kick off but hey!)

Since it's launch things have started really positively as the games press has got right behind the project.....

Games Freezer, Epic Manager

The backers have been coming in steadily with the current total pledged with 23 days left is around the $12,000 mark...and counting...

Let's have a look what's been happening with an update from those dudes at MANAVOID....

Games Freezer

"Lovechild Love"
Epic Manager was described by Rock. Paper. Shotgun. as the lovechild of Dungeons & Dragons and Football Manager! Sounds bloody cool doesn't it!!??!!

In its first week on Kickstarter, this fresh and Epic new twist on the RPG and Tycoon genres also reached more than 35% of it's funding objective which is a great start but the hard work begins now to try and avoid the mid campaign slump!

"Enter The Shovel!"
To help with the campaign we are now super pleased to share with you an EPIC announcement........

Shovel Knight

The iconic SHOVEL KNIGHT will now be featured as a playable character class in Epic Manager, thanks to the cool gamedevs over at Yacht Club Games.

Yes that's right SHOVEL NIGHT has gone EPIC!! The Shovel Meister General Commands YOU to back this great campaign, so I don't think you want to be arguing with him!

"A Warm Feeling"
Epic Manager has already been featured on more than 15 game media outlets, and the EPIC buzz around this unique project keeps growing daily!

We've been in contact with the plucky Game Devs and The MANAVOID Family are honored to receive all this positivity from the gaming community and would like to thank everyone who has covered the game on their blog, retweeted the campaign on Twitter and of course those lovely people who have already backed the game...

Games Freezer

"Just Do It!"
We're convinced that the unique premise and never before seen mix of genres offered by Epic Manager is something that you uber cool gaming dudes will enjoy.

Take another look at the Kickstarter Campaign >>HERE<<

Also don't forget to go EPIC By connecting with the MANAVOID Family below.....

Epic Manager

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