

☆ My Most Memorable Retrogaming All Nighter ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

Retrogaming, Computer Games

Retrogaming All Nighters Are Few And Far Between For Me Nowadays But Back In My Computer Games Hey Day I Would Often Have All Night Sessions That Would Get Me Through To The Break Of Dawn.

Having Kids Means That I Have Less Time To Invest In An All Nighter But One That Always Sticks In My Mind Was An All Nighter Involving A C64 And A Horse Racing Game! 
Retrogaming, Computer Games

So it's the night before I'm meant to go away on the holiday of a lifetime to Disney World Florida.
I'm all excited as I am going to be going there with my best friend and his family.
It's going to be amazing and all I want to do is get there.
This was me when I was about 16 years old.
The night before Disney World as I was staying at my mates house so as we could get away nice and early in the morning to get our flight.
My mate and I had recently been on a Car Boot Sale spending spree and had acquired a whole host of cool computers.
The jewel in the crown was the Commodore 64 and a whole box of original games in all their boxes.
The cardboard box was a goldmine of all the greatest games that were available on the C64 at the time and me and my mate Paul had been working our way through this massive stash of games over the previous week or so.
The night before Disney gave us a bit of time before bed time to load up another game. This time the lucky dip gave us the not so legendary "Sport Of Kings"
Our objective for all the games that we played from the box was to play it long enough to work out whether it was any good or not and then move onto the next one.
If the game was especially good we'd give it a bit more attention and maybe play it for longer but generally we stuck to the task in hand of working our way through the games methodically.
Once Sport Of Kings had been loaded up we quickly decided that we thought this would be a ten minute job as the game looked shocking…….
We were wrong….
Sport Of Kings is all about gam8ling your virtual cash on the on screen horse races. If you win you'll win at the odds prescribed by the game and if you lose the race you lose your money. Simple and on the surface you would think that it would be repetitive and dull.
We were wrong…
Retrogaming, Computer Games

Sport Of Kings for that night was the only game in town! We started playing and couldn't remove ourselves from this simulated gambling sim. It was like the crack Cocaine of video games for us that night, there was just no getting away from the screen.

The animated crowd were a delight to see as they jumped up and down in the background as the horses battled it out and the game has a certain character to it that we weren't expecting....
Just one more race……Just one more race!
We were hooked and for that night and that night only we were high rolling horse racing punters!
1 a.m came and went ………3 a.m came and went.....then 6 a.m came along and it was time to get up and get in the car to go to the airport......

Just one more race!!!

To say I was tired was an understatement and when we finally landed in Florida and made our way to the motel all I remember was dreaming about my favourite horse in the game, Zippo! (I woke up 16 hours later!!!)

This game still brings a smile to my face when I think about it and maybe one day i'll buy it and load it up when I've got a spare 3 days!!!

What's Your Favourite Retro Game 
To Have An All Nighter With?

Retrogaming, Computer Games

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