

☆ Pangman's Video View "Part 2: Tetris Mastery" How Good Are YOU At Tetris? ☆ @KevinDDR #GamersUnite

When I was a kid, I was given a Gameboy and Tetris for Christmas. Tetris was the main flagship game for the Gameboy at the time, and was/is so popular that the franchise is still going strong today. 
At the time I thought I was a pretty good player, but sometimes all it takes, is to see an expert in action, to bring you crashing back to reality.
This brings me to my next video, where we can see  Tetris Grandmaster Kevin Birrell (@KevinDDR) playing the game at an insane speed. 

Honestly it is just phenomenal seeing this guy in action, it really looks like the video is fast forwarded because he is so quick.

In fact he is so good that he can even commentate on the action whilst simultaneously playing!.
But if you thought that was impressive, then forward to around 6:00 of the video -where you will see the guy playing invisible Tetris! 

I just can't comprehend how that is possible -but somehow the guy can remember the order that the tiles have been placed from memory. 

Simply astounding, watch and see…..

(On a slightly random note, who remember that Tetris song that got to Number 6 in the music charts in 1992?!)

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