

☆ Pangman's Video Views - "Part 1: Player Piano" Amazing #Retrogaming Music ☆ @SonyaBelousova @PlayerPianoVids @TheRealTomGrey

Every so often, I would come across a gaming related video, that was so good, that I would instantly want to show it to a neighbour. 

So with this in mind, we have decided to include a Games Freezer semi regular column, relating to awesome videos that we have found on the net. 

So without further delay, here is the 1st installment of Pangman's Video Views!
This gem of a video is for those who appreciate gaming music. 

The premise of the video is that the pianist/composer; Sonya Belousova (@SonyaBelousova) will listen to gaming themes and will then instantly compose the tune on the spot! I have to admit that I watched this video more than once, such was my awe of Sonya's skill and due to the sheer burst of nostalgia that these tunes bring back!
When I was at school, I butchered the Eastenders theme song, despite months of practice, so when I see someone who is able to instantly compose a piano version of a song after a few minutes of listening, it blows my mind!

This first video covers Nintendo Retro gaming themes, so if you always wondered what the piano version of the Castlevania theme or the Duck Tales theme would sound like, then you are in for a treat!

The 2nd video covers some more modern gaming classics (Halo, Bioshock etc)

Whilst the 3rd one covers The Last of Us theme

There is a also a campaign donations page (similar to Kickstarter) to help fund further instalments of Tom (@TheRealTomGrey) and Sonya's Player Piano (@PlayerPianoVids) video series. 

They offer rewards based on different levels of donations- and for those who are happy to contribute a bit more, there is the opportunity for her to compose some music based on your requests!
It's definitely a cause worth supporting, here is the link indiegogo.Player Piano

I will certainly be contributing, after all a $10 (£6.63) donation gets you an digital album of Sonya's Nintendo retro theme compositions! I cannot wait to get my copy!

On a bit of a random note, I hope that one day I get to hear a hotel lobby pianist or restaurant pianist, busting out a retro gaming track, that would be so cool!

Plus I bet some music enthusiast would ask, 

"What is that you just played, it was so lovely! It seems so familiar but I can't quite place it, Chopin?"

"Nope, Megaman"

Pang Man

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