

☆ Welcome To The Wonderful World Of Custom Made Arcade Cabinets ☆ #retrogaming #Gamers #Gamer #Arcade

Recently I've been lusting over pictures of custom made arcade cabinets...

Nothing unusual there then!

This time though I've spent hours looking at videos posted on YouTube of how they were made and all the intricacies of putting a cabinet together and then doing the electronics side of things to make it all work.

This subject fascinates me and itches my urge to create my very own arcade cabinet.
So I have decided to give it a crack.....

First of all though I thought i'd compile a nice list of inspirational and informational websites that may help kick start you into gear and make you want to build your very own arcade cabinet.

It may also save you some time searching the web for the best places to visit.

Anyways, here's my list of cool places to visit on the world wide web in order to get your arcade creative juices flowing and also hopefully enabling you to learn some new things about the wonderful world of custom made arcade cabinets! - A great website that is basically a full analysis of everything you could ever want to know about the science behind the humble arcade joystick....amazing site! - A forum with all the answers to all the questions that you can think of related to arcade building......absolutely brilliant - A great joystick project by x2jiggy

TNT Amusements make me want to play Arcade inspiration for subscribe to the YOU TUBE Videos now, you wont regret it........ - A good place to get inspiration for your custom build...

picade-the-arcade-cabinet-kit-for-your-raspberry-pi - Such a cool kickstarter for a Raspberry Pi powered arcade cabinet....very cool!

Maximus Arcade - What about some cool software to run your arcade with?

The 24hr Cab - Read about how a guy built a cool custome arcade in 24hours! - Another amazing Arcade Build site! - This site is choc full of cool self build pics... OR OR So you've thought about what arcade you want to build, now to buy the parts!

Now I've done my research i'm going to take the plunge and start building my very own custom arcade.......

TO BE CONTINUED................

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