

☆Games Freezer Retrogaming World Cup - "Half Time Update"☆ #GamersUnite #Retrogaming

So we've reached the halfway stage of the Games Freezer Retrogaming World Cup 2015 and so far it has been a cracker!
8 matches in and we've had some awesome matchups that have been decided by the fantastic Freezer Followers via the power of a Retweet or a Favourite.


☆My Retrogaming Football Management Obsession☆ @KevinToms #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

Football Management Simulations have been an obsession of mine since I was first introduced to Football Manager 2 on the Amstrad CPC.
Ever since that moment I have searched for the perfect footy manager sim.


☆A Retrogaming Piece Of History Bought At A Tupperware Auction!☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

A guy called Dallas walks into a Tupperware auction and then walks away with a piece retrogaming history (or so the story goes)

Dallas was in the right place at the right time when he visited an injection mold auction which consisted mainly of tupperware molds and then up popped the beautiful nugget that Dallas just had to bid for..............


☆I Managed An Angry Mob At EGX REZZED!☆ @CpmStudio @acidnerve #GameDev #GamersUnite

As I sit here writing this article my head is still spinning from the sheer amount of great games that I got to play at EGX REZZED!

The sheer quality of the games was mind blowing and I had an awesome time trying my hand at some of these great titles aswell as watching others play some of the latest releases.

If you've never been to an EGX event before I would highly recommend it.


☆ The "Games Freezer Retrogaming World Cup 2015" Kicks Off Next Week ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite #Gamers #Gamer

Last Sunday I had a friend and his wife over for lunch 
(not very Retrogaming I hear you cry)
Whilst we were chatting I said to him….."Fancy a game of Super Mario Kart?"
When I explained to him that we'd be playing the original SNES Super Mario Kart on the Wii his mind imploded and his face lit up like an 8 year old at Christmas!


☆ What Type Of Arcade Cabinet Should I Build? ☆ #Retrogaming #Arcade #Gamer #GamersUnite

Since my first post (read it here) about making a video games cabinet I have been mulling over ideas constantly for the last two weeks.
I want to make sure that ,before I build this beauty, I am fully prepared for what needs to be done and how I'm going to build it.
More importantly I need to know WHAT I am going to build!!


☆EGX Rezzed Is Coming So Get Your Dancing Shoes On!☆ @EGX @JoypadBar #Gamer #GameDev #Gamers

Well there's only 9 days to go before EGX Rezzed and to say i'm excited is an understatement!

This is going to be my first EVER video games show that i've attended! (at the ripe old age of 35)

I can't wait.........oh and i'm also going with a press pass in hand as Games Freezer will be reporting the highlights from the first day of the show........on the 12th March


☆ A "Flashy" Retrogaming Gameboy Gadget ☆ #Retrogaming #Gamers #Gamer #GamersUnite

Whilst on Tindie browsing all the cool hardware on offer I stumbled across this smart geeky gadget for Gameboy.


☆ A 21st Century Retrogaming ZX Spectrum ☆ #retrogaming #gamersunite

Well this got my retrogaming excitement levels raging today.....

The Sinclair ZX Spectrum is going to get another reincarnation!

"The ONLY full-size recreation of the 1980s personal computer - The Sinclair ZX Spectrum"