

☆A Retrogaming Piece Of History Bought At A Tupperware Auction!☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

A guy called Dallas walks into a Tupperware auction and then walks away with a piece retrogaming history (or so the story goes)

Dallas was in the right place at the right time when he visited an injection mold auction which consisted mainly of tupperware molds and then up popped the beautiful nugget that Dallas just had to bid for..............
The piece of retrogaming royalty now owned by Dallas is the original injection mold for the Commodore 64c

Dallas now has the mold and wants to remake the C64 keyboards in all sorts of colours and non colours (transparent) so as retrogaming geeks like us can either replace the old casing on the C64 or use it to build a brand new computer project.
This is such a cool idea and it has taken off like a C64 rocket on the Kickstarter Campaign!
The original target was a modest $10,000……….
The running total today stands at $81,000 and counting with 8 days of the campaign remaining!
The response has been phenomenal to say the least.
The cool new colours can be used on the original bread bin version of the C64 as well as the C64c with the use of a keyboard mount.
I'd love to own a blue C64, now that would be mega cool!
Take a look at the pics and see for yourself.


Will you be buying one these gems?
If so, what project will you use yours for?

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