18 Mar 2015

☆I Managed An Angry Mob At EGX REZZED!☆ @CpmStudio @acidnerve #GameDev #GamersUnite

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As I sit here writing this article my head is still spinning from the sheer amount of great games that I got to play at EGX REZZED!

The sheer quality of the games was mind blowing and I had an awesome time trying my hand at some of these great titles aswell as watching others play some of the latest releases.

If you've never been to an EGX event before I would highly recommend it.

I'm An EGX Noob
EGX REZZED was my first video games show event as both a member of the press or public and I was grinning from ear to ear the moment I walked into Tobacco Dock in London.
EGX REZZED concentrates on the Indie Game Dev scene and offers a plethora of Indie Game morsels to feast on throughout the venue.

The Tobacco Dock Venue is spread over two floors with the majority of the Indie Titles from the bigger developers residing on the Ground Floor.

The Lower Floor Vaults contained some of the most interesting and adventurous games which included Taphobos: An Immersive COFFIN Experience! (more on that later)
The Ground Floor hosted such developers as Team 17, XBOX, Devolver, Playstation, Blizzard and SEGA. I started off by working my way through the rooms and having a general nose about the place whilst eyeing up which games I was going to play. This was great fun!

Then later on I moved downstairs to the VAULTS where I took a look at "The Leftfield Collection" and "The BAFTA Inside Games" room.

So……after lots of walking, playing, watching and listening I am ready to announce The Games Freezer EGX REZZED BEST IN SHOW video games……..

BUT ……wait a minute, before we get started, what about Taphobos I hear you cry!!??

Well whilst doing the rounds someone explained that the coffin for Taphobos hadn't arrived on time and unfortunately the guys who were there on Thursday were unable to demo the game ……. 

Hopefully if you visited on the other days you were able to experience it, if so, let me know what it was like?

And The Winner Is.............
Ok, now that's sorted, let's get on with the Best In Show Awards…..

Here I have listed the 10 games that made me sit up and take notice whilst also trying to explain a bit about the game and its gameplay.

An adventurous game that dares to look at the fine line between sanity and insanity. 

The art style is gorgeous and the gameplay revolves around a young boy in his room at night. 

You are charged with exploring the house and examing and collecting various items to aide you in the puzzles scattered throughout the game. 

I loved the small details in the art such as the NES joypad hanging from the red haired boys room and the collectibles that are required for you to complete certain puzzles. 

The game revolves around day and night and how the boys dreams seep into the reality of day. For me this game has huge potential and I can't wait to play a fully finished version of this cool game.

Immediately this game stands out as being beautiful. It's sounds and sights are almost haunting as you guide a young girl around a treacherous environment. 

You immediately realise she is almost defenceless against the variety of ghastly creatures that await her every turn. 

As I guided her across a tree branch I did it whilst I held my breath. 

This game drew me in immediately and made me care for the lead character in a way that I find is rare in most games. T

his is a game that I need to sit and play for longer than the 20 minutes that I had spare to play and I really can't wait to do so.

Not the kind of game that I usually like but I ended up playing a solid half hour of this as I was totally drawn into the lush forests of the gameworld as I got into battles with strange skeletons and goblin like creatures. 

I was controlling a team of two skilled warriors and it felt good to explore the locality and see what was lurking round each corner. 

There's a tactical element to the fighting and whole load of looting. 

There's also a crafting mechanic that I didn't get a chance to experience but if the 30 minutes that I played is anything to go by, then it will be well worth playing!

This game is pure FUN

The hip hop soundtrack is hypnotic and the action is super easy to get in to.

I found myself hacking, slashing and flipping my way through hordes of deadly dudes in dark and eerie locations.

It's definitely a "just five more minutes" kind of game with the combo counter constantly racking up as you slice n dice the opposition that just keep on coming!

Do you love platform games with a brain?

If the answer is YES then you will love this game.

It's a platform game that will have you scratching your head as you try and work your way through the layers of the level (well I was scratching my head a lot because I'm not the sharpest of tools in the box)

The clever game mechanic sees you shifting between the layers of the foreground and background in order to traverse obstacles and collect various red gems.

It's a great game and I'd really like to get stuck into this one as soon as I can!

This game made me laugh out loud from minute 1. 

Raucous fun and violence is a perfect mix especially in a gameworld filled with Pixel gangsters and a strange purple bunny man who talks of oak trees with guns…..loads of guns!

This game is brilliant fun and as you crash through buildings cleaning up gangsters in order to aide the Bunny Man's campaign to reside as the prime minister you will do it all with a big grin on your face.

A great game!

Do you like stealth games?

This is a cool sassy take on the stealth game genre as you play as Miss Sophia Take as she works her way through a bright 60's influenced London romp to reclaim her art collection that has been stolen and split amongst various collectors throughout the London gameworld…….
I had loads of fun sneaking round mansions and outwitting guards as I picked up Sophia's paintings.
A really fresh looking game that makes snooping around fun again!

It's all about Pixel Art boss battles!
Take on the various Titans with your trusty arrow weapon and try and slay giant blobs with a heart, a granite dude with massive fists and a clever cube that kept crushing the life out of me! I could have sat down and played this one all day as it is such a fun romp through boss battles galore!
Another great game lovingly crafted for hardcore gamers. Make sure you play this one as soon as you get a chance!
2. Shovel Knight

I know Shovel knight has been out for an age but do you know what, i've never played it!

My first taste of this awesome platformer was on a Windows Surface Tablet in the Microsoft room and I loved every minute of it! 

Its challenging and fun, just what you need in a platform game (along with using a shovel as a weapon of course)

Proper old school quality. 

So, of course i've gone and saved the best till last.

When I say the best, I mean the most fun you can possibly have managing an angry mob in an ancient Greek setting!

OKHLOS is different and it's brilliant! 

The Pixel Art graphics are a joy. The gameplay is frantic fun. The controls are simple and the fun is endless. 

You walk around recruiting mob members from the various village locations and form a nice sized posse to take on Gorgons, Cyclops' and the odd God here and there! 

It's carnage, it's mayhem and above all it is great fun!! 

Make sure you check this pixelated beauty out soon!

Did You Go To This Years EGX Rezzed?

What Was Your Favourite Game?

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