
☆ What Type Of Arcade Cabinet Should I Build? ☆ #Retrogaming #Arcade #Gamer #GamersUnite

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Since my first post (read it here) about making a video games cabinet I have been mulling over ideas constantly for the last two weeks.
I want to make sure that ,before I build this beauty, I am fully prepared for what needs to be done and how I'm going to build it.
More importantly I need to know WHAT I am going to build!!
My original plan was an MDF cabinet to house my old PC and monitor.
Pretty standard stuff really.
But then I got thinking………..
Why not do something different?
What about a nice little Bartop Cabinet?
Then I got onto thinking about converting an existing piece of furniture into an arcade cabinet. I like the look of the coffee table ones which at the same time are at least kind of practical.
Then I started to think more about the converting of furniture and inspected the full range of IKEA furniture that is out there at the minute to see what has the potential to be converted into the arcade of my dreams!!
Then I moved onto using the nexus 7 as a screen and connecting up the arcade joystick to that to build a dream machine.
Bartop Cabinet
Alongside all of this I have been thinking that the theme of the whole arcade cab would be SNES related.
Well it's safe to say that my mind has been racing with ideas and my notebook is now bulging with sketches of various reiterations!!
After all this I am still in a bit of a quandry!!
It feels like I'm in analysis paralysis….HEEEEEELP!
Help me to decide what shape my project should take…….
There are 3 options that I'm thinking of………….and here's some pictures to help you realise what I would achive for each idea:
1. MDF Bartop Cabinet

2. Cocktail Cabinet

3. Chest Cabinet

Now you've seen them, which one is your favourite?

Please let me know in the comments box below.

Whichever one gets the most votes will be the one I make!

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