

☆ Setting Up A Retrogaming Legend In The 21st Century ☆ #Retrogaming #SEGA

As I made my way through the darkness I stumbled and fell….

As I fell my head landed on a plastic box like structure that made a dent in my pride and in my noggin….

I pulled myself to my feet and there before me, like a gift from the Retrogaming gods was a beautiful jet black box full of joy……
It was my legendary MEGADRIVE……

Queue an ear to ear smile and endless hours of fun!
The darkness I speak of was my loft and the fall was actually for dramatic effect BUT the fun was definitely the truth.

I re-discovered my MEGADRIVE in the loft 6 months or so ago and I havn't stopped smiling since.
Playing Sonic again for the first time in 20 years using a cartridge and the original hardware was a good feeling.
Looking at the design of the beautiful MEGADRIVE made me realise why I fell in love with it in the first place….she's a beauty!

Now the first thing that halted my joy slightly was setting up the beauty box on my LCD TV.
In my head this was a very simple task but actually it really tested my memory and required a few google searches.

I will detail in this post how to set the beauty up as hassle free as possible by using my favourite You Tube tutorial 

The other thing that made me grimace was a couple of my precious cartridges not working 
(Golden Axe & Mickey Mouse Castle Of Illusion)

I will therefore go about my business and include my favorite clean the cartridge You Tube tutorial in this post…..

So, let's get Cracking

SEGA Megadrive Set Up Tutorial:

SEGA Megadrive Cartridge Cleaning Tutorial:

Now Your Megadrive Is Uo And Running I'm Sure 
YOU Will Have As Much As Me!

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