

☆ Video Game Endings That You Will Never Forget ☆ #retrogaming #GamersUnite

I've always been a sucker for a great video game ending and always hungered to see those animated sequences at the end of a game.

There were always those times when you get to the end of the game and all you get is a "CONGRATULATIONS!!"


But then there are those endings that stay with you forever.....

I'd have to say my most memorable video game ending that I witnessed was the ending to World Cup 90 on the Arcade.

I witnessed when I was about 10 years old whilst waiting in the Fish & Chip shop queue on a Friday evening with my dad.

I was always obsessed with that arcade machine and I wouldalways yearn to play it long enough to complete it.

This particular evening a man was playing the game whilst I waited with dad in the queue and then I realised he was playing in THE FINAL!!

I was so excited, I couldn't take my eyes off of the screen as he played out the Final in front of my eyes. 

He was wiping the floor of the CPU opposition and was 3-0 up. 

It seemed as though he'd completed the game before as he didn't look too fussed about the whole thing, but I was fixated!


The Final Whistle Blew and all hell broke loose on the screen as his victorious team danced all over the screen......I was really impressed at the time!

BUT.....There was more....

A GIANT World Cup dropped onto the pitch which the players proceeded to frantically run and dance around!!
I was gobsmacked!

I ate my fish n chips with a massive smile that night and have never forget that crazy ending since.

Although looking at it now, maybe it wasn't quite so dramatic as I remembered it.

Hey, that's the beauty of nostalgia!

So, over to you......
*What's YOUR Most Memorable Video Game Ending?*

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