
30 Jun 2015

☆ Retrogaming Music To My Ears ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

Video Game music is an often overlooked or under estimated element to a video game.
Imagine Gameboy Tetris with another soundtrack! It just wouldn't be Tetris! 
(would it?)
I like to think the video game and the music go hand in hand in order to deliver the game experience.

29 Jun 2015

☆ The Alcatraz Barcade Dream ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite @AlcatrazLondon

We've all had the dream of opening up our very own Barcade haven't we?

I've always felt that there are definitely not enough great barcades in London and there is a definite gap in the market for a top Barcade like the Brooklyn Barcade to be opened in London.

I have been in contact with a guy called Marcus Gordon who is looking to make that dream a reality by opening Alcatraz Bar in London.

Alcatraz Bar is currently trying to get funding to open a retro/current console gaming bar in London, with a unique flavour........

26 Jun 2015

☆ Website Of The Day "BOX=ART" ☆ @Gidkilla #retrogaming #gamersunite

If like me you adore great box art and the beautiful Japanese designs that adorn the Japanese versions of games then you will love my Website Of The Day .......


25 Jun 2015

☆ WIN YOUR VERY OWN SEGA MEGADRIVE ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite #SEGA

How Do You Fancy Getting Your Hands On YOUR VERY OWN Original SEGA Mega Drive?

Read On And I Will Tell You Exactly What YOU Need To Do To Win A Mega Drive Courtesy Of Games Freezer.......

24 Jun 2015

☆ Kickstart A Retrogaming Music Legend ☆ #retrogaming #GamersUnite #Kickstarter

Have you heard of the retrogaming legend Uncle Art?

If you haven't heard of him then you will probably have heard his work before probably without realising it…..

23 Jun 2015

☆ SEGA The Second Coming? ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite #SEGA

SEGA, Megadrive, Retrogaming

Us Retrogaming folk generally hark back to the days of SEGA vs NINTENDO in the console wars era of the 90's or the glory years of Atari and it's always great to reminisce on those days of trailblazing video games when things seemed much simpler.

22 Jun 2015

☆ Fallout 4 Looking Fierce ☆ @BethesdaStudios @Bethblog #PipBoyEdition #fallout4

So E3 is over and I've had some time to reflect on the thing I was soooo excited about…..
FALLOUT 4 and its oscars-esque reveal in Hollywood California

21 Jun 2015

☆ Time To Fire Up My NEW SUPER PANTENDO! ☆ @Pantendo #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

retrogaming, arcade

I'm always looking for inspiration to start building my very own arcade machine and believe me I have found lots of inspiration but my lack of expertise always seems to let me down.

I'd love to create my own arcade machine BUT I want tit to look good and play well. Something shoddy would make me sad.......

Then recently I stumbled across a really cool project by Dean Taylor called "Super Pantendo"

This has reignited my desire to at least complete one arcade project in my lifetime!

Read Dean's story and see if it inspires YOU like it did ME.......

13 Jun 2015

☆ Portalnauts Is A NEW 16 Bit Action Platformer! ☆ @portalnauts #Kickstarter #GameDev #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

Of Course I'm A Sucker For A Kickstarter Campaign Which Features 16 Bit Platforming Action.......

But I Have Got To Say This One Needs YOUR Attention Today!

We Have Less Than 2 Weeks To Get This Beautfully Crafted Retro Inspired Video Game Funded..........

12 Jun 2015

☆"My Favourite Video Games WOW Moments"☆ #GamersUnite #Retrogaming

What Is A Wow Moment In Video Games terms?

For me it's been the moment when I've started to play a new game and then wham! Something happens that you didn't think was possible until you just witnessed it. 

These kind of moments are few and far between but I am going to attempt to share with you my 10 WOW moments that will stick with me forever, when a video game took my breath away (for various reason)

11 Jun 2015

☆An Arcade Work Of Art - "PIXELKABINETT 42"☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite #Arcade

Over the last few months I've seen some classic arcade machine custom designs but this beauty has got to be my current favourite............

Say hello to the 

9 Jun 2015

☆ EGX Rezzed Back In The Dock For 2016! ☆ #GamersUnite #GameDev #IndieDev #Gamer @EGX

Games Freezer has been informed that EGX Rezzed will return to London 
from Thursday 7th to Saturday 9th April, 2016.

8 Jun 2015

☆ 8 Bit Retro Gaming Power That Fits In Your Wallet! ☆ @bateskecom #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

I've been taking a look at this cool Kickstarter that is looking to create a video game system the size of a credit card to play super cool retro styled games much like a miniature version of the original grey brick Gameboy…..

Have a look at the cool things that I have discovered bout this tiny marvel of engineering and geekery…..

5 Jun 2015

☆ The Wasteland Story Continues ☆ #Fallout4

I'm not the kind of person to get caught up in the hype of a new video game announcement but there are two exceptions........

1. HALF LIFE 3 (Let's Get REAL This Will Never Happen)

2. ...............................................................

4 Jun 2015

☆ Blinking Light Win ☆ #retrogaming #GamersUnite #NES

Today I stumbled across a really cool Kickstarter that I managed to miss first time round.


3 Jun 2015

☆"Super Nintendo SEGA Genesis, When I Was Dead Broke Man, I Couldn't Picture This"☆ #GamersUnite #Retrogaming

I flicked my iPod to shuffle and then out of the blue Biggy Smalls sang to me…….
His iconic line from "Juicy" got me reminiscing ,as I generally do, and I began to think about all my favourite tunes over the years that featured a reference to video game.

1 Jun 2015

☆Are You A Kick Off 2 World Master?☆ @ko2cup #Retrogaming #GamersUnite #Dublin

You spent your youth mastering one of the greatest football video games of all time and now it's YOUR time to shine on the World Stage...