

☆Are You A Kick Off 2 World Master?☆ @ko2cup #Retrogaming #GamersUnite #Dublin

You spent your youth mastering one of the greatest football video games of all time and now it's YOUR time to shine on the World Stage...

Dino Dini's Kick Off 2 is an absolute classic and this 25 year old game has it's very own World Cup Tournament taking place on November 7th & 8th 2015 in Dublin.

This game has always been tough to master due to the fact that the ball did not stick to the foot like other football games of the day. If you invested the time into Kick Off 2 it could be one of the most rewarding football games that you will ever play. Two good Kick Off 2 players playing at full pelt is a sight to behold and the most fun that two players in a video game could ever have.

So imagine two World Class Kick Off 2 players going head to head in a World cup Competition!

Exciting stuff eh?!

The organisers are expecting players from across the world to gather to represent in the most prestigious Kick Off 2 competition that there is.

Looking at the list of players so far there is a certain Dino Dini on the list, could it really be the legend himself?

The venue is a former chocolate factory that will be kitted out to resemble a world cup venue. 

The competition doesn't just stop at Kick Off 2 there will be a party theme to this 2 day spectacle as Dublin is truly one of the party cities of the world!

So, if YOU want to strut your stuff with the finest players in the world head over to and get registered TODAY!

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