

☆ Fallout 4 Looking Fierce ☆ @BethesdaStudios @Bethblog #PipBoyEdition #fallout4

So E3 is over and I've had some time to reflect on the thing I was soooo excited about…..
FALLOUT 4 and its oscars-esque reveal in Hollywood California

It was maybe a sign of the times and of how much the video games industry has grown when you consider that the Fallout 4 reveal was akin to a premiere of a blockbuster film.
It warmed my heart in one way as it was almost the video games industry sort of saying

"look at us we're all grown up now, video games is now a serious business so take us seriously world"
There was a point in the Bethesda Fallout 4  talk when Todd Howard remarked at how far the industry had come, when he said something along the lines of….

'back in the early days of CES, video games were put out the way in the basement rooms alongside the Porn!' <something like that anyway>
Anyhow, let me get back to my thoughts on the most exciting piece of news I have seen in the video games for a long long time 

(I think only a The Last Of Us 2 or Half Life 3 could overshadow this…)
So, Fallout 4 is a thing and we were all treated to some insights last Monday 15th June.
These were the 5 main things I took away from the Fallout 4 announcements and my thoughts on each one:
1. Shelter Me
No one saw this coming, but Bethesda have created a really cool Sim Fallout Shelter game for iOS and it's FREE!

It was available to download at the same time as the Bethesda talk.
It's a totally awesome game if you dig the kind of resource management type of games but at the same time it is so well styled that if you like Fallout then you will love this. 

There's such a cool air of Fallout magic about the game that it will probably keep me entertained for at least the next 5 months while we await the Fallout 4 release …… (although where's the ANDROID release?)
2. Crafty Crafting
The crafting system has been taken up a notch with your weapon being able to be modded almost endlessly by utilising a bench and a whole host of items that you find in the Wasteland. 

This looked incredibly cool as the demo took us through the evolution of various items into more and more powerful tools for Wasteland carnage! 

It also makes those once useless scavenged items so much more useful to the player as you can take things apart and salvage the items to make your mods.
3. Build Me Up Buttercup
This part got me really excited. You will have the ability to build your own settlements around the wasteland and create a community of settlers. 

You are able to utlise junk from the wasteland to build your structures and then build up your electricity networks along with water supplies and defenses from those pesky raiders. 

For me, this is brilliant it just adds a whole new angle to the gameplay. This cool feature looks to be trying to enable gamers to customise their own experience just that little bit more. It was stated though, this kind of gameplay is totally optional. You might just decide to be a lone wastelander with no interest in building settlements or socialising with other Wastelanders. But at the very least you can build  your own little part of the Wasteland to chill out in. Marvellous!
4. Sculpt Me Mould Me Any Way You Want Me
The character creation element of the game was also demo'd and it was a playful scenario whereby the male character and the female character jostle for position in the bathroom mirror and you get to dynamically amend facial features without the use of sliders. 

The range of facial features looked endless and it was highlighted that it's the same tool that Bethesda use to create the NPC's in game. 

Looks like i'll be having lots of fun with this when i get my hands on it!

5. I Don't Like Gimmicks.....I LOVE THEM!
It was revealed that the Pip Boy edition is real and that it will be able to hold your smartphone within the Pip Boy chassis whilst you plug away at the Pip Boy downloadable app which makes your Pip Boy a physical reality (at this point Bethesda broke the internet for the 2nd time in a week!)

How cool is that??!! You can own your very own Pip Boy and it is the coolest second screen experience ..... EVER?

Bloody Brilliant! It's up there with owning your very own Ghostbusters Proton Pack! (I had to settle for a tin can strapped to my back and a hosepipe when I was 8 years old!)

Freezer's Final Thoughts
Overall from the four demos / concept art that was shown I was really pleased with the way Fallout 4 is looking. 

The good old V.A.T.S system is still there for that ultimate feeling of battle control and the same Wasteland creatures still seem intent on stomping out your existence (the Death Claws look even more scary than they did last time!) 

The look and feel of the game seems a bit more visceral than it was previously and it looks as though the movement of the main character is a little less floaty than it had been in Fallout 3 & New Vegas.
Also worth a mention was the integral part that our old friend Dogmeat has in all this Wasteland tomfoolery!

Part of the demo showed the main character giving Dogmeat orders to fetch a wrench from a building with the ability to also use him to search an area.

It looks very cool and there was also the online revelation that Dogmeat can't die so you need never be separated from your best friend!
This awesome presentation has cemented the idea of me buying a PS4 specifically for this beauty of a game (and also to cover the eventuality of TLOU 2 coming out!)
FALLOUT 4 looks to be the game changer that I had hoped for and the best thing is it will be available before the end of the year! (10/11/2015 to be precise) 
Can Bethesda deliver on all this expectation……i'd say YES as they have been working on this since Fallout 3 was released and it seems they have reached a point whereby they are 90% happy with what they have got for us… got to trust these guys they know their onions and how to create a Behemoth!
Let me know your thoughts on what you saw of Fallout 4
Are YOU As Excited As Me For All The Other Surprises That Lay In Store For Us ?

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