

☆ Classic Console Magazine ☆ @cconsolemag #retrogaming #gamersunite

My favourite retro gaming read at the moment has got to be Classic Console Magazine...This free magazine is full of retro gaming goodies and I thought i'd point you in the direction of where to grab this cool publication so you too can enjoy this monthly morsel of gaming goodness...

So far there has been 5 issues of this cool internet based PDF magazine and I've loved every edition so far.
These guys have the same passion for video games as me (especially when it comes to retro gaming!)
The Classic Console Magazine team are aiming their cool publication at those people (like me) who long for the days when the newsagents were awash with awesome video game publications like C&VG, Mean Machines, Electronic Gaming Monthly and Super Play.
Classic Console Magazine is a monthly publication that looks to grasp the feel of those awesome magazines from yesteryear and sets out to always be FREE to Subscribers by providing the magazine through an all digital format.

You can view the magazine on the classic console magazine site for viewing as well as downloadable as a PDF and also Read it on iPad, Kindle or Nook. 
The Classic Console Magazine team are preparing for the release of Issue 6 this as we speak but alongside this they are also Getting ready for the launch of a Kickstarter campaign to create print versions of the magazine alongside the digital format!

It's exciting times for the Classic Console Magazine team and I would urge you to head on over to to see for yourself how great the magazine is and get yourself subscribed!
Meanwhile check out the first video on the Classic Console Magazine YouTube channel......

What Do YOU Make Of Classic Console Magazine?

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