

☆ A Commodore 64 Story For Us All ☆ @Retro_Fusion #Kickstarter #Retrogaming #C64

My appetite for retro gaming related books continues and is routinely appeased by the plethora of cool books that seem to be emanating from the retro gaming community with great success.....

The one i'm excited about today is the latest awesome book project from fusion retro books.......

"The Story Of The Commodore 64 in Pixels"

What's in this book then?

The book will contain a whole host of Commodore 64 related imagery and articles all pulled together in one place to celebrate the awesome C64.

  • The cover of the book has been designed by C64 graphics legend, Steven Day
  • An article on the history of the Commodore 64
  • A feature on games that appeared on cartridge
  • A look at the legendary SID chip
  • A foreword by Jeroen Tel, the author of such classic tunes as Cybernoid2 & Robocop3
  • 70+ double page spreads to showcase the finest games that the C64 has to offer
  • Over 25 memoirs in the book from some commodore 64 legends
  • Art from Oliver Frey (Zzap! 64)

Bad Boy Badger!

Not only do you get all the above, there are some awesome rewards such as Barnsley Badger a new cassette game for C64!

"Thousands of years ago there was a great badger empire ruled by the great Tutanbadge. The great king was into his bling and got his metal workers to create the most beautiful mask ever created. Made of pure gold and studded with diamonds. Alas over the centuries the empire disappeared and the great treasure was lost. Meet Barnsley, a lazy good for nothing badger who's addiction to gambling has got him into all sorts of trouble. While in his local boozer he overhears a conversation, a gold coin was discovered in the local graveyard, a coin which has the head of the great Tutanbadge carved on one side. 

Could this be true ? .... 

could the great treasure be buried near by ? .....

it would solve all Barnsley's money problems if it is. 

Downing his pint in one gulp Barnsley sets off to the grave yard, a great journey awaits.... as long as he doesn't fall asleep on the way."

I for one am very excited about this project and i'm sure it will get 100% funded with the help of the cool retro gaming online community.....

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