

☆ Giant Ants EVERYWHERE!! ☆ #Retrogaming #GamersUnite #SEGA

For a while now the long awaited Megadrive Version of IT CAME FROM THE DESERT has been in production from Cinemaware after a successful Kickstarter campaign

On the news front it had gone silent for a long while......

Then this week I received some promising news on its progress.......

The developer is now working on game Code to make various changes. 

As mentioned before they are looking to add more content like new cutscenes and some more features to make the experience even better. 

Let's take a look at the first new screenshots from.......

"It Came from the Desert-The Action Game-Extended Cut"

This is part of a new cut scene which will appear later in the game. 

They are working right now on finishing the script so the artist can create the scenes.
The screenshot shows you the new Menu-Screen. 
The original Menu only had "text".
Now there's a lot more detail.

What do you think of the new screenshots?

Not a massive amount to go on, but it's sure looking good to me!

I'm already looking forward to the next update when we will be informed about the other amendments, pre order dates and an exact release date 

(Target release date is around December 2015)

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