

☆ Grab A Slice Of Terrible Video Games History ☆ @ashens #Retrogaming #GamersUnite

We've all read those online lists of the "WORST GAMES EVER" 
We read them and say things like, 
"Oh yeah I remember that, it was really bad!" 
"Oh yeah I remember that, it wasn't THAT bad!"
Well Stuart Ashen has come up with a book full of terrible games that were so bad that you will never have heard of them........
(at least 99% of them anyway!)

Let's Define Terrible Shall We?
This book isn't just about terrible games ,oh no, it's actually about games that are so bad that they are almost impossible to play!

As Stuart points out, 
"We've all bought a game and been utterly underwhelmed by it, dribbling buyer's remorse from every pore as we furiously shake our fist at the publishers responsible for releasing them."
Yes we've all been there BUT this book is going one step further.....
Stuart is actually looking into Satan's mouth and pulling out the games that are crimes against video gamers!
Terrible Old Games You've Probably Never Heard Of is based Stuart's YouTube series of the same name. 
Stuart looks past the obvious games like E.T. for the Atari 2600 and Superman for the Nintendo 64 and going deep into the cesspit of video game development with such putrid stinkers as Count Duckula 2 on the Amstrad CPC and Dangerous Streets on the Amiga.
The other unique element about this book is that It's all about the home computer market rather than the consoles market of the 80's & 90's which gives it a new angle on the worst games ever theme.
How Do I Get This Book Onto My Heaving Book Shelf Of Video Game Goodness?

If you want to own this book you need to pledge at the cool books project site and you will receive a book full of awful games for your troubles!

I want this book to ensure that Stuart's vision is fulfilled.....

Stuart wants to .....

"Ensure that the games mentioned inside receive the recognition and derision they deserve. Because they're terrible, they're old, and you probably haven't heard of them."

If you too share a passion for exposing these 
rancid games then get on over to Unbound NOW! 
(rancid is a bit harsh we love them really)

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