

☆ Mr Iwata - Corporate President - Developer - Gamer ☆ #RIPIwata #GamersUnite #Nintendo

Having seen the news break on Twitter and now read many of the tributes to the great man it seems like words can't really do justice to what Satoru Iwata meant to everyone (and not just gamers).

What really comes through from the tributes and quotes is the fact that the man was a gamer foremost and corporate president last. 

His sense of fun runs through the core of everything Nintendo does and will do forever more.

In honour of this wonderful man I have scoured the internet for the best fan art tributes and articles that really give you a sense of how much Iwata San will be missed.....

I'm sure you'll agree that these are really beautiful examples of fan art that sum up the great man in an elegant way.............

Amongst all the outpourings is a story that jumped out at me and shows just how thoughtful Iwata was and how he conducted his day to life, we can all learn something from his approach to life.....

When you get a moment head over to these websites to read some touching tributes:

"A True Legend Of The Video Games World - Gone But Never Forgotten"

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